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VM-3, and 3.5 feet over the screen in VM-4. No water was present in VT-1, and only a few inches <br /> were present in SW-1 (the bottom of the screened interval in this well is 315 feet) <br /> Figure 3 illustrates the groundwater gradient and general direction of groundwater flow The <br /> water table slopes to the east or northeast at a gradient of 0 0038 ft/ft, which is more than twice <br /> the slope measured in June <br /> 4.2 Analytical Results <br /> Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon and BTEX concentrations in VM-1 did not change during the <br /> quarter(Table 2) Concentrations of some analytes increased slightly in VM-3 and VM-4, while <br /> others decreased slightly Sharp increases occurred in VM-2 and SW-1 The results suggest that <br /> hydrocarbons "pooled" in the center of the impacted area and the margins of the plume moved <br /> inward slightly However, there was no net change in the magnitude of groundwater <br /> contamination during the quarter <br /> 1 <br /> 4 <br />