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A soil vapor survey was conducted in March, 1998, in order to better define the extent of near- <br /> surface soil contamination This survey was followed by the drilling of two new soil borings to <br /> collect samples to confirm the vapor results The results of the investigation were presented in the <br /> Soil Assessment Report prepared by Upgradient in April, 1998 Subsequently, one of the borings <br /> was converted to groundwater monitor well VM4 <br /> In August 1999, Upgradient installed two remediation test wells within the mapped zone of soil <br /> contamination However, no hydrocarbons were detected in any of the soil samples collected from <br /> these wells One of the wells (VT-1), was screened with 4-inch PVC casing from 15 to 30 feet for <br /> future use in soil vapor extraction testing The other well (SW-1), was screened with 2-inch PVC <br /> casing from 29 5 to 315 feet for potential use as an air sparging well <br /> Groundwater monitoring has taken place annually or semi-annually at tlus site since 1995, but was <br /> performed three tunes in 1999 <br /> 3.0 PROCEDURES <br /> Upon arrival at the site, the wells were opened and allowed to equalize with atmospheric pressure <br /> before the depth to groundwater was measured Depth measurements were recorded on the Well <br /> Monitor Report (Appendix A) and are shown in Table 1 After water depths were measured, a <br /> battery-operated bladder pump was used to purge the wells of standing water The wells were <br /> • purged until conductivity and temperature stabilized or until the wells went dry (Appendix A) <br /> Purged water was stored in a DOT-approved drum in the southwest corner of the site <br /> After purging, samples were collected from each well Three 40-m1 vials were collected from each, <br /> labeled, and placed in a cooled ice chest The samples were later shipped to Excelchem <br /> Environmental Laboratory for analysis The laboratory report is included in Appendix B <br /> 4.0 RESULTS <br /> 4.1 Depth to Groundwater and Groundwater Gradient <br /> The static water level is still 14 feet above the screened interval in VM-1, VM-2, and VM-3, and <br /> 4 5 feet over the screen in VM-4 The depth to groundwater on June 7 averaged 31 feet(Table 1) <br /> As to the past,the water purged from VM-2 was the color of"gray water", but no sewer odor was <br /> present <br /> Figure 3 illustrates the groundwater gradient and general direction of groundwater flow The <br /> water table slopes to the east at a gradient of 0 0025 ft/ft, which is more than twice the slope <br /> measured in March <br /> 3 <br />