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flow pattern is not linear, because there has been very little change in concentration in VMA <br /> • Continued groundwater momtonng will probably not clarify the flow pattern significantly <br /> The groundwater in the vicinity of air sparging well SW-1 is more contaminated than it is in the <br /> vicinity of the other wells A sparging test of this well should be conducted to determine whether <br /> hydrocarbons can be volatilized from the groundwater The test should be conducted in <br /> conjunction with a vapor extraction test of VT-1, which is located within 20 feet of SW-1 and is <br /> suitably screened to remove volatilized hydrocarbons We recommend performing this test before <br /> the end of May, while the static water level is sufficiently high to make air sparging feasible <br /> PHS/EHD approved the work plan for flus test in June 1999 <br /> The City of Stockton remains unresponsive to requests by Valley Motors to grant an <br /> Encroachment permit for drilling in the City sidewalks Therefore, further drilling to determine <br /> the maximum extent of groundwater contamination is not possible at this time <br /> I <br /> More than 25 drums of purge water and contaminated soil are stored at the site Some of these <br /> drums have been there for four years They should be disposed of in the near future <br /> i <br /> 5 <br />