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. 4.0 RESULTS <br /> 4.1 Depth to Groundwater <br /> The static water level is still more than 10 feet above the screened interval in VM-1, VM-2, and <br /> VM-3, and approximately two feet over the screen in VM-4 The depth to groundwater on March <br /> 31 averaged slightly more than 315 feet (Table 1) The depth measured in VT-1 is clearly an <br /> anomaly, and is regarded as erroneous It is probable that a small amount of residual water was <br /> trapped below the screened interval in the well cap As shown by the groundwater gradient map <br /> discussed in section 4 2, the static water depth was probably 31 81 feet in VT-1 <br /> 4.2 Groundwater Gradient <br /> Figure 3 illustrates the groundwater gradient and general direction of groundwater flow The <br /> water table slopes very slightly to the east at a gradient of 0 0010 ft/ft, and is essentially <br /> unchanged since October 1999 The extremely low gradient implies that the groundwater flow <br /> rate is negligible <br /> The map implies that VT-1 is almost on the same contour line as VM-2, and should therefore <br /> have encountered the static water level at 31 81 feet(casing elevation [15 92 ft] + water elevation <br /> [15 89 ft] = water depth [31 81 ft]) However, because the well is only 30 feet deep, it could not <br /> have encountered true groundwater <br /> 4.3 Analytical Results <br /> Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons decreased in VM-1, whereas benzene and other volatile aromatic <br /> compounds all increased slightly since October 1999 (Table 2) BTEX concentrations also <br /> increased in VM-4, although TPH remained below the detection limit TPH concentrations <br /> increased in VM-2 and VM-3, while BTEX concentrations decreased Hydrocarbons have now <br /> been detected in VM-3 during both of the most recent sampling events, which suggests that the <br /> groundwater plume has expanded somewhat to the southeast <br /> Considerably higher hydrocarbon concentrations were detected in SW-1 Because the screened <br /> interval in SW-I spans the static water level, the results from that well are likely to be more <br /> representative of trice hydrocarbon concentrations than are those from the monitor wells These <br /> wells are screened deeper in the aquifer, where the water is less contaminated No hydrocarbons <br /> were detected in the sample from VT-1, but since the water depth data indicate that the static <br /> water level is below the casing, the laboratory results from this well are irrelevant <br /> 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> In general, hydrocarbon concentrations have been on the rise for some time, and samples from <br /> VM-3 indicate that the plume is gradually migrating eastward However, it is apparent that the <br /> 4 <br />