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1.0 JNTRODUCTION <br /> Valley Motors operates a wholesale used car dealership at 800 East Main Street in Stockton, <br /> California and is owned by Mr Andrew Hyduke Investigation of the extent of hydrocarbon <br /> contamination beneath the Valley Motors property has been performed in three phases 1) 1994, <br /> when six soil borings were drilled and sampled, 2) late 1995, when one monitoring well was <br /> installed and groundwater contamination was documented, and 3) July 1996, when two additional <br /> wells and one soil boring were installed to determine the lateral extent of groundwater <br /> contamination The wells were monitored and sampled again during the fourth quarter of 1996, and <br /> the purpose of tins report is to present the results of that monitoring event <br /> 2.Q BACKGROUND <br /> 2.1 Site Location and Description <br /> The site is located several blocks east of downtown Stockton and several blocks north of Mormon <br /> Slough (Figure 1) It occupies an L-shaped parcel of land at the corner of Main and Grant Streets <br /> The area is zoned commercial and light industrial Small businesses and a vacant lot are located to <br /> the north, across Main Street, and a paint company is located to the west, across Grant Street The <br /> topography in the area is flat <br /> 2.2 Previous Work <br /> It is our understanding that two UST's were removed from the site by Siebold Corporation in 1990 <br /> The tanks were located beneath the sidewalk along Grant Street (Figure 2) They were reportedly <br /> used to store gasoline, although no fuel dispensers were present when the tanks were removed <br /> However, the tanks had not been in use since Mr Hyduke acquired the property about 1987 <br /> William Hunter & Associates conducted a soil investigation in 1994 and drilled 5 borings (Figure <br /> 2) Forty soil samples were collected for analysis, but only 4 of these contained hydrocarbons at <br /> concentrations above detectable limits The hydrocarbons were reported by FGL Laboratory to be <br /> within the compositional range of Stoddard Solvent, although specific carbon ranges were not <br /> reported The maximum depth at which hydrocarbons were detected was approximately 25 feet, <br /> which is approximately 10 feet above the historically highest recorded groundwater level in the site <br /> area(35 feet in 1983) <br /> Upgradient Environmental installed groundwater monitoring well VM-1 in September I995 <br /> Contaminated soil was detected at a depth of 25 feet, and groundwater samples collected in <br /> September and October were also contaminated Gasoline, diesel, BTEX, and several chlorinated <br /> hydrocarbons were detected in the groundwater <br /> 2 <br />