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�1 In February 1996, Upgradient collected eight samples from the soil that had been excavated during <br /> the UST removal in 1990 This soil was stockpiled at the south end of the site With the approval of <br /> PHS/EHD, part of the stockpile was used to backfill the excavation in April 1996 It is our <br /> understanding that Valley Motors arranged for the removal of the remainder after July, 1996 <br /> In July 1996, three soil borings were drilled and two were converted to morutoring wells <br /> Contaminated soil was encountered in two of these, and one or more hydrocarbon contaminants <br /> were detected in water samples from all three, as well as in the existing monitoring well (VM-I) <br /> The resulting data helped to partially define the limits of soil contamination, but the limits of <br /> groundwater contamination were not reached <br /> 3.0 PROCEDURES <br /> Monitoring was performed on December 4, 1996 Upon arrival at the site, the wells were opened <br /> and allowed to equalize with atmospheric pressure A Solinst water level meter was used to <br /> measure the depth to groundwater in the monitoring wells Depth measurements were recorded on <br /> the Well Monitor Report(Appendix A) and are shown in Table 1 The total depth of the wells was <br /> also measured and recorded After water depths were measured, a Grundfos Redi-flow 2 <br /> submersible pump was used to purge the wells Approximately 20 gallons of water were pumped <br /> from each well and stored in 55-gallon barrels After purging each well, the pump was cleaned <br /> with a TSP/water solution <br /> After purging, new disposable bailers were used to collect samples from each well Three 40-m1 <br /> vials and one l-liter amber bottle were collected and placed in a cooled ice chest, and transported to <br /> Excelchem for analysis The laboratory report is included in Appendix B <br /> 4.0 RESULTS <br /> 4.1 Depth to Groundwater <br /> The depth to groundwater has dropped very slightly (0 25 feet or less) since July (Table 1) <br /> Currently, the depth averages 43 7 feet below grade <br /> 4.2 Groundwater Gradient <br /> Figure 3 illustrates the present direction of groundwater flow In general, flow is to the east- <br /> northeast at 0 0027 ft/ft Flow was due east in July at 0 002 ft/ft <br /> 4.3 Analytical Results <br /> In comparison to the samples collected In July, some contaminants were detected at somewhat <br /> higher concentrations in December, while others decreased or remained constant For the first <br /> 3 <br />