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time, the laboratory detected benzene, toluene, and ethylbenzene in VM-3 (Table 2) Total <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons in the gasoline range were also detected in the sample from this well, <br /> but the concentration was below the reporting limt of 50 µg/l (parts per billion) and is therefore <br /> shown as ND in Table 2 and Appendix B Both the TPH-g and benzene concentrations also <br /> increased in VM-2, whereas the concentrations of these analytes decreased in VM-I Other <br /> compounds decreased or were essentially unchanged <br /> Chlorinated solvents were again detected in VM-1 and VM-2, and six compounds were detected <br /> for the first time (Table 3) These include dichlorodiflouromethane, vinyl chloride, 1,1- <br /> dichloroethene, 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, and 1,4-dichlorobenzene <br /> 5.4 CONCLUSIONS <br /> Groundwater depth measurements indicate that there has been little change in depth or direction <br /> of flow since the wells were monitored in July Laboratory data, however, indicate_potentially <br /> significant changes in contaminant concentrations during the same period TPH-g and BTEX <br /> data suggest that the plume of gasoline-contaminated groundwater has migrated southeastward <br /> from its position in July, and has now reached VM-3 As a result, groundwater in the vicinity of <br /> VM-1 is slightly less contaminated with gasoline than it was in July During this same period, the <br /> variety of chlorinated compounds has increased in both VM-1 and VM-2, suggesting that the <br /> plume of solvent-contarninated groundwater has also migrated eastward and further contamined <br /> the groundwater beneath the site The chlorinated hydrocarbons provide additional evidence of a <br /> solvent leak west of the site <br /> Based on the data collected in 1996, Upgradient recommends that groundwater monitoring be / <br /> increased to quarterly in 1997 to provide more precise information on the rate of contaminant <br /> migration We also recommend that the area of investigation be extended to the east to identify the <br /> present downgradient extent of gasoline contamination We strongly recommend that the <br /> investigation be extended to the west to determine the upgradient extent of solvent contamination <br /> and to identify its source, which we believe is the responsibility of one or more businesses located <br /> west of Valley Motors We recommend that Valley Motors and its attorney request San Joaquin <br /> County PHS/E14D to identify other Responsible Parties upgradient of Valley Motors and request <br /> these parties to perform investigation of the solvent plume <br /> 4 <br /> 4 <br />