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is approximately 10 feet above the histoncally highest recorded groundwater level in the site area (35 <br /> feet in 1983) <br /> Upgradient Environmental installed groundwater monitoring well VM-1 in September 1995 <br /> Contaminated soil was detected at a depth of 25 feet, and groundwater samples collected in September <br /> and October were also contaminated Gasoline, diesel, BTEX, and several chlorinated hydrocarbons <br /> were detected in the groundwater <br /> In February 1996, Upgradient collected eight samples from the soil that had been excavated during the <br /> UST removal in 1990 This soil was stockpiled at the south end of the site The stockpile samples were <br /> transported to Sequoia Analytical, who composited them to two samples for analysis No <br /> hydrocarbons were detected in one sample, and only diesel, at a concentration of 5 mg/kg (ppm), was <br /> detected in the other(Appendix B) Therefore, with the approval of PHS/EHD, the stockpiled soil was <br /> used to backfill the excavation in April 1996 Excess soil remains stockpiled at the south end of the site, <br /> but will be disposed of at a later date <br /> 3,0 DRILLING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES <br /> 3.1 Drilling and`Sampling <br /> On July 1 and 2, 1996, V & W Drilling of Rio Vista drilled three soil bonngs and converted two of <br /> these to monitoring wells Drilling was limited to three borings at the request of Mr Hyduke A rotary <br /> concrete cutter was used to cut three 12-inch diameter holes through the concrete pavement for the <br /> borings Prior to drilling, the depth to groundwater in VM-I was determined to be 45 feet The first <br /> boring(HP-2, Figure 2) was therefore drilled to a depth of 43 feet, and a hydropunch sampling device <br /> was pushed to 47 feet to collect a groundwater sample Water had not entered the boring after 45 <br /> minutes, so the boring was extended to a depth of 45 feet and the hydropunch was pushed to 49 feet <br /> Groundwater entered the bonng very slowly, and stabilized at a depth of 47 7 feet A groundwater <br /> sample was collected from the hydropunch before the boring was backfilled with cement grout <br /> 0 <br /> Because of the difficulty in using the hydropunch to sample HP-2, the second boring (HP-3) was <br /> drilled to a depth of 50 feet, and a grab groundwater sample was collected with a disposable bailer The <br /> boring was then extended to 60 feet and the augers were left in the boring overnight, pending <br /> laboratory analysis of the water sample The boring was completed as groundwater monitoring well <br /> VM-3 the following morning, as described below <br /> The third boring was drilled to 60 feet and completed as monitoring well VM-2 V & W experienced <br /> considerable difficulty with the well completion, and were able to seat the casing and install the sand <br /> pack only after three attempts As a result, several feet of silt entered the casing and reduced the depth <br /> of the well to 55 feet The silt had to be removed, which V & W did on July 10 by surging and bailing <br /> the well <br /> 2 <br />