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Drill cuttings from the three bonngs were laid on plastic sheetmg on the east side of the existing <br /> stockpile The augers were steam-cleaned between bonngs, and the auger rinseate water was contained <br /> in two 55-gallon drums near the soil stockpile <br /> Beginning at a depth of 10 feet, soil samples were collected every 5 feet, using a spht-spoon sample <br /> barrel loaded with clean brass sample tubes Organic vapor readings and other observations were noted <br /> on the boring logs (see Appendix A), and selected samples were capped, sealed, Iabelled, and placed in <br /> a cooled ice chest prior to shipment to Excelchem Analytical Laboratory in Roseville, California The <br /> chain-of-custody form is included in Appendix B <br /> 3.2 Well Completion <br /> Initially, saturated conditions were first encountered at a depth of approximately 60 feet m VM-2 and <br /> 50 feet in VM-3 After approximately 20 minutes, groundwater stabilized near 46 feet Both wells were <br /> completed with 2-inch-diameter PVC casing, screened between 60 and 45 feet (Appendix A) The sand <br /> pack extends from 60 to 43 feet, and hydrated bentonite extends from 43 to 41 feet The wells were <br /> grouted from 41 feet to the surface with Portland cement, and a well box was installed flush with the <br /> concrete <br /> 3.3 Water Sampling <br /> Groundwater mornntonng took place on July 8 The depth to groundwater was measured with a Solmst <br /> water level meter approximately 30 minutes after being opened Depth measurements were made from <br /> the north edge of the well casing (Appendix C) The depth to the bottom of the well was also <br /> measured, and used to calculate the volume of water m the well The elevations of the top of the well <br /> casings were surveyed with a builder's level to the nearest 0 01 foot <br /> VM-3 was developed by pumping approximately 45 gallons of water with a Grundfos Readyflow-2 <br /> submersible pump The moderately turbid purge water was stored in a 55-gallon drum near the soil <br /> stockpile Approximately 15 gallons of water were pumped from VM-1 Dunng purging, a Coning <br /> Checkmate pWconductivrty meter was used to measure the temperature, pH, and conductivity of the <br /> purge water to detennnme when these parameters stabilized After purging, water samples were <br /> collected from both wells in three 40-m1 vials and one 1-liter amber bottle <br /> The very high turbidity m VM-2 caused the pump to clog after only 2 gallons had been pumped <br /> Attempts to hand bail the well were also unsuccessful, due to the large volume of sediment at the <br /> bottom of the well and the exceedingly slow recharge rate Therefore, this well was not sampled until <br /> after it had been thoroughly developed by V & W Drilling on July 10 Upgradnent sampled it on July <br /> 11, using the same procedures that had been used to sample VM-1 and VM-3 <br /> Water samples were labelled and placed m a cooled ice chest and transported under chain of custody to <br /> Excelchem Analytical Laboratory The chain-of-custody form is included in Appendix B <br />• <br /> 3 <br />