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• 4.0 RESULTS <br /> 4.1 Stratigraphy <br /> The boring logs in Appendix A show the strata that were penetrated by the borings Figure 3 is a cross <br /> section illustrating this sequence of strata, which is essentially the same as had been encountered in <br /> VM-1 From the surface to a depth of approximately 30 feet, the uppermost stratum coarsens <br /> downward from clay or silty clay to very coarse-grained sand In the upper part, the color is brown, but <br /> downward the color changes to grayish brown and gray, due to a decrease in oxidation and <br /> weathering Moisture content increases downward from dry to slightly damp <br /> Below 30 feet, the dominant lithology is silt, which is interbedded with thinner layers of fine-grained <br /> sand and silty clay Variable amounts of iron-oxide staining result in mottled gray, orange, and brown <br /> colors to a depth of 60 feet No samples were collected below 60 feet, but the previously collected <br /> samples from VM-1 were dark to very dark gray, indicating that the material has been continually <br /> below the groundwater table and is not oxidized <br /> r <br /> 4.2 Field Evidence of Contamination <br /> No hydrocarbon odors were noticed in soil samples collected from 1HP-2 or HP-3/VM-3 Strong <br /> gasoline odors and PID readings ranging from 265 ppm to over 4000 ppm were noted in samples from <br /> VM-2 at 5, 10, 15, and 20, feet PID readings and odors decreased below 20 feet, although readings in <br /> excess of 200 ppm were still present at 45 feet A moderate gasoline odor was noticed during the <br /> collection of the groundwater samples from VM-1 and VM-2 <br /> 4.3 Laboratory Results <br /> 4 3.1 Soil Samples <br /> The selected samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the gasoline and diesel <br /> ranges (TPH-g and TPH-d), for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX), and for methyl <br /> tertiary butyl ether(MTBE) Table I shows the laboratory results for all soil samples collected to date <br /> No contaminants were detected in the two soil samples from HP-2 or the three samples from HP-3 In <br /> VM-2, no contaminants were detected in the samples from 45 and 55 feet, which is in accord with field <br /> observations (see Appendix A) Of the five samples from shallower depths, gasoline and/or BTEX <br /> were detected in four, at concentrations that are lower than might have been predicted from the strong <br /> odors and PID response in the field Because the laboratory chemist also noticed the strong gasoline <br /> odors, these samples were analyzed two or in some cases three times, at decreasing methanol dilution <br /> ratios, in order to obtain precise concentrations and acceptable reporting limits Despite the strong <br /> odors and PID readings, however, laboratory instruments recorded only moderate concentrations <br /> 1 <br /> 4 <br />