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,;ample, F- 1 °, F'--2 had a hydrocarbon odor and apparent <br /> di. scolorataon. Soil Sample #"' ( FIN, ) was indicated to be clean . <br /> but <�oi l �arrrpl e 44 (TIS, ) was slightly discolored. Soil sample:i <br /> #5 (T2N , ) and #6 (T'-'S, ) were bath noted to have a hydrocaron odor <br /> and visible discoloration. The location of these Samples arw <br /> indicated on FLATS VII All of the samples were analyzed in <br /> the laboratory for ETEC , TFH-G, EDN , and total lead . The result <br /> of those analy _es arr shown an E.XHINIT E. <br /> On 7 ai rt_c ar , 29 , 1992. thc= 9a1T Ju,--iq (i n County District- Attorney <br /> filc=d a (_umplaint for permanent 1r)aunct1an , civil penaltaes , sand <br /> r-0-hor r ral a pf in L-he Sc(p)W-J Or C(-)urt of Cal x f orn 1 a I Ci Qunty of Sari <br /> Joaeae.r, n , ayai rrs,t brad l ey F . Fr ihn , Si ebol d Corporation , and Does <br /> # khr=(, tir() f()r improper- (net hods-; and procedures used iia remuviny <br /> under ground storage tants. As E-a result of this action , the <br /> Coltnt-y FHS , Environmental Heal t:h Di,/inion has declared that the <br /> laboratory reSUI t y for the anal vsa s o+ the soil samples are <br /> u1-1ac(=r-1-1tAhI e. The o, (_av,ation which had contained the UST a <br /> remained open until June, 1.99=7. Since the storage tanks were <br /> lcjc<Atc=d under the a�idewal t_ adjacent to the property , an <br /> enrrcl a:Yhment pcsrmi L had been obtained from the City of StocF ton , <br /> Public Wor F s Department , fur the removal of the tanP a. On JLU-)r-- <br /> J99- , the Fublac Health Services notified the city Fublic <br /> W(ar-L s Department thaL the owner of the property would not be <br /> a nve<_,ti gate nA the c-untama nated underground tans• site at thi S <br /> tirr:(�; (refer- to EXHIBIT F=. ) Shortly after beano notified , that <br /> Department brought in +111 material ', closed the e.,cavation . <br /> On ,June 241 1997,, the County Envy r-onmental Health Da va. sx on sen L <br /> FlOtii icatzon to Mr . HvdL4 e that a wort pian must be Submitted <br /> " I th t n n l riety , (90) (lay,, that wool d pr opose the a nv(-est i g,-It r ve <br /> mcat heed +or determining the vertical wand lateral a tent of soil <br /> cunt -imin ation At thi �a sx Le. Refr-�?r- to EXHIBIT G for a copy of <br /> that correspondence. On September 22 , 199=, Mr . Charles Fr ,/, c,l <br /> Wiri. J . Hunter ° Associates , runt with 11r . Torn O Neil at the site <br /> to diScUSS the contamination problem. As a result o+ that <br /> mr-?eti ng it was bel z caved that Hunter & Associates would be <br /> contracted to do the wclrl . Bec iu5e of the time element , Mr . <br /> H(_rnt,=r- sent a letter to the EFAD , (EXHIRIT Ham) requesting an <br /> e tension ttrntal November 24 to prepare and submit a wor♦ plan . In <br /> the meariLime, Mr . O 'Nex i was to get the agreement signed by the <br /> owner , Mr . HvdctF e, and +or-warded to Hunter v_, Associates. f hat <br /> E-1 tension wasa gr-anted. However , due to the owner ' s illness , that <br /> agreement was not signed unta1 November 2, and on November 5, <br /> Huntor ?, Az,oc x aces r-wga.tested an additional delay until December <br /> Kith . That e• tension was also granted by Mr . In+urea , Sr . RENS <br /> of the Cottnhy EHD. <br /> W RF-F LF N FOR_ INVESTIGATING THE EXTENT O_F_ SOIL CONTAM I NATION OF <br /> VALLEY MOTORS, MAIN 5LkLEF_.T , STOCF,1 ON. <br /> 4 <br />