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March 2,1999 <br /> NOA ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT NUMBER E99042 <br /> IV. REVIEW OF REGIONAL AND LOCAL REGULATORY AGENCY <br /> RECORDS <br /> 1. Regional Water Quality Control Board <br /> Inquiries were made with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) in an <br /> attempt to determine if there are any files present at that agency which note the unauthorized release <br /> of a toxic or hazardous agent into the environment on the subject property or within a one-quarter <br /> (1/4)mile radius of the subject property. <br /> According to the RWQCB Leaking Underground Storage Tank Information System list dated <br /> January 5, 1999,the RWQCB notes no unauthorized release of a toxic or hazardous agent into the <br /> environment on the subject property at this time. The RWQCB notes no (0) sites on the Leaking <br /> Underground Storage Tank Information System list which are within the specified search radius <br /> where an unauthorized release of a toxic or hazardous substance has occurred. <br /> According to the RWQCB Spills,Leaks, Investigations, and Cleanup Sites/Federal Department of <br /> Defense Sites/Federal Department of Energy Sites 9(SLIC/DOD/DOE)list dated 4th Quarter 1998, <br /> the subject property does not appear on this list at this time. The RWQCB notes no (0) sites on the <br /> SLIC/DOD/DOE list which are within the specified search radius. <br /> The RWQCB was contacted by telephone in an effort to obtain information relative to waste <br /> discharge streams at the VanVleet Dairy located south of the subject property across Highway 120. <br /> According to Mr. Louis Pratt at the RWQCB,they have inspected the VanVleet Dairy and have no <br /> recorded environmental problems associated with the Dairy. In addition,Mr.Pratt indicated that the <br /> RWQCB does not require that the VanVleet Dairy operate under a waste discharge permit. <br /> 2. San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department <br /> Inquiries were made with the San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department in an attempt <br /> to determine if there are any files present at that agency which note any hazardous materials storage, <br /> releases or spills, underground storage tanks, above ground storage tanks, or leaking underground <br /> storage tanks on the subject property or within one-quarter(1/4)mile radius of the subject property. <br /> The following lists were reviewed: Facility and Container List dated January 5, 1998 <br /> Contamination Database File list dated January 4, 1999 <br /> The subject property does not appear on any of these lists. No(0) sites within the specified search <br /> radius of the subject property appear on the lists. <br /> 5 <br />