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%✓ V k%j KLEINFELDER <br /> o The well will be screened from approximately 2 to 5 feet above and 15 to 20 <br /> feet below first ground water. <br /> o The PVC pipe and end caps will be steam cleaned prior to installation. <br /> o The annular space between the screen and the wall-of the boring will be <br /> backfilled with clean Lone Star Industries #030 Monterey sand to <br /> approximately 2 feet above the top of the perforated sections. <br /> o A 3-foot bentonite plug will be placed above the sand pack to provide a seal <br /> against surface water infiltration. <br /> o The remaining annular space will be filled by tremieing cement/bentonite <br /> grout to the surface. <br /> o The well will be secured in a flush-mounted water-tight cover. <br /> To reduce the potential for introduction of contaminants into the underlying ground water, <br /> monitoring wells will not be installed in borings where a high concentrations of petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons are indicated. <br /> 3.5 MONITORING WELL DEVELOPMENT AND SAMPLING <br /> The wells will be developed to remove sediment-laden formation water and to increase the <br /> effective hydraulic radius of the well. Monitoring wells are generally developed 24 to 48 <br /> hours after installation to allow the grout to set. The well will first be sampled with a clear <br /> acrylic bailer to visually inspect for hydrocarbon layer or sheen. If no product layer or <br /> sheen is observed on the water, the well will be developed by surging and pumping or <br /> bailing. Surging along the screened interval of the well is performed to draw the sediment <br /> from the formation into the filter pack and the well and to set the sand pack. The sediment <br /> laden water will be purged from the well at a rate of between 0.75 and 10 gallons per <br /> minute depending on recharge rate and casing size. Development will continue until the <$' <br /> discharge runs relatively clear of fines. If the well recharges slowly, it will be dewatered <br /> and allowed to recover three to five times. Discharge water will be stored in 55-gallon <br /> +� drums and left onsite for disposal by the client, depending on laboratory results. <br /> `" 181-89-719 6 <br />