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4.. / k4 KLEiNFELDER <br /> Approximately 48 hours after development, water levels will be measured and the three <br /> wells will be purged and sampled. Purging and sampling will be accomplished with a <br /> Teflon bladder pump and/or bailer. During the purging of the wells, field parameters (pH, �- <br /> w. conductivity, and temperature) will be monitored. Samples will be collected after the field <br /> parameters have stabilized (normally requiring the removal of three to five well volumes). <br /> ` Water samples will be collected in containers supplied by and prepared by the laboratory. <br /> These sample containers will be immediately sealed after sample collection and placed in <br /> an iced cooler. At the end of the day, the water samples will be delivered under chain-of- <br /> custody to an analytical laboratory certified by the state for analysis of BTEX by EPA <br /> �. Method 602, TPH by GC-FID, and organic lead. <br /> e <br /> The sampling equipment will be washed in a trisodium phosphate solution and rinsed in <br /> distilled water or steam cleaned prior to use in each monitoring well. Purged water will be <br /> containerized in 55-gallon drums and will become the responsibility of the client. <br /> 3.6 MONITORING WELL ELEVATION SURVEY <br /> 6P <br /> A ground water flow direction will be estimated from the three monitoring wells. The <br /> +-. relative elevations of the top of the 2-inch PVC casings will be surveyed for the three wells. <br /> The elevation of the top of the PVC casing will be surveyed and tied into an existing <br /> benchmark or Iandmark. Survey accuracy is 0.01 foot. <br /> Depth to the static ground water table will be measured for the top of each PVC casing. <br /> The depth to water will then be subtracted from the elevation of the top of the well casing <br /> to provide a water table elevation for each monitoring well location. The ground water <br /> flow direction will be estimated from the measured water table elevations. <br /> w. <br /> U <br /> �- 181-89-719 7 <br />