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July 1,2002 <br /> NOA ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT NUMBER LE02-164 <br /> Control Board(CVRWQCB)in an attempt to determine if there are any files present at that agency <br /> which note the unauthorized release of a toxic or hazardous agent into the environment on the subject <br /> property or within a one-quarter(1/4) mile radius of the subject property. <br /> Our office reviewed the CVRWQCB Leaking Underground Storage Tank Information System list <br /> dated April, 2002. The subject property was not listed on the database at the time that we reviewed <br /> it. The CVRWQCB reports that there are no(0)correlations between the database and any addresses <br /> within 1/4 mile from the subject property. <br /> According to the CVRWQCB SLIC/DOD/DOE (Spills, Leaks, Investigations, and Cleanup <br /> Sites/Federal Department of Defense Sites/Federal Department of Energy Sites) list dated January, <br /> 2002, the subject property does not appear on this list at this time. The CVRWQCB notes no (0) <br /> sites on the SLIC/DOD/DOE list which are within 1/4 mile from the subject property. <br /> 2. San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department <br /> The San Joaquin County Environmental Health Division(SJEHD)was contacted to see if there are <br /> any files in their database relating to the subject property. According to Tami Lowe, of that <br /> department, there are no (0)files referencing 9534 E. West Ripon Road, Ripon, California. <br /> Inquiries were made with the San Joaquin County Environmental Health Division(SJEHD)to review <br /> file information on sites within 1/4 mile. The Underground Storage Tank List and the "Other Agency <br /> Lead" list were reviewed. <br /> There were no (0) correlations found on the "Site Mitigation" list for the subject property or <br /> properties within 1/4 mile from the subject property. <br /> There was one(1)property within 1/4 mile, dependent on where on the property the UST is located, <br /> noted on the "Underground Storage Tank" list. The address of the registered UST is 9751 E. West <br /> Ripon Road, Ripon, CA. The property is registered for having a five hundred gallon, unreported <br /> content tank removed. The San Joaquin County document that identifies this site is attached to this <br /> report as Appendix E. <br /> 3. San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Services <br /> Inquiries were made with the San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Services(OES) in an attempt <br /> to determine if there are any files present at that agency which note any hazardous materials releases <br /> or spills on the subject property. According to Ms. Donna Thomas of the San Joaquin County OES, <br /> there were no files in their database for such an occurrence. <br /> 6 <br />