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i <br /> APPLICATMV - VARIANCE <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> Ally w ♦t ♦ " e r � ^�' ,�,,.... V J..t• e. ti oa, *p,r-. •, ri, trr,,.a4 ar,rin•,.1� .bhi,N,it•' tul�r � 1 its <br /> ti a; IU��11`'1�4l„j0OAMA�'I,ONl <br /> h 3 t i S, 1 t lA <br /> � - ��. <br /> 4; � •'��,�,�*�.� <br /> �'�a� ...� !f'+>' •s. � * ;1',," r�; l�rl1 .�:�„ g :,.� �{�,��'��.,�r'�{�"��s`�` '"}srf�!� '��,��";t,' <br /> 1. Describe any areas subject to flooding(Include flood depths and flood panel map number): <br /> NO AREAS OF THE PROJECT SITE ARE KNOWN TO BE SUBJECT TO FLOODING. <br /> 2. Describe the current depth of the ground water and depth to potable water: <br /> GROUNDWATER IS ENCOUNTERED AT APPROXIMATELY 8' TO 11' BELOW EXISTING GRADE. A 12" DOMESTIC <br /> WATER LINE IS LOCATED IN FRENCH CAMP ROAD AT A DEPTH OF APPROXIMATELY 51 . <br /> 3. Describe any existing drainage courses or eroded areas on or near the project site(e.g.rivers,creeks,swales or <br /> drainage ditches): <br /> A.P.N. 161-170-01 IS ADJACENT TO THE SAN JOAQUIN RIVER TO THE WEST. <br /> 1"^��},'!y''f�f�y � 1(JI l ,1 ��. SMI }d'}}yyy,,���TT. �1}`li� +ri,�!' �• .�� Sy/t���lSy��l�py{'k11�1{tit <br /> ,Fs4S4 lJ r 0.11�...'.' 1l Sr�I..:,,�r fo'�. 1k��,A i���.ry\A5"1`tt1'j1'y��ilj`'r�l�' ��•t��)A`�,. It's: <br /> 4. Describe the sites topography( forms,slopes,etc.): <br /> THIS SITE IS GENERALLY FLAT, WITH A GRADUAL SLOPE FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES. <br /> S. Describe agricultural land that will be lost as a result of the project(type of crops,acres,quality of soil,etc.): <br /> NO SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF AGRICULTURAL LAND WILL BE LOST AS A RESULT OF THIS PROJECT. <br /> 6. Describe any wildlife habitat on-site and species that are of maybe present: <br /> NO WILDLIFE HABITAT ARE KNOWN TO EXIST ON-SITE. <br /> 7. Describe any vegetation on-site by type and extent: <br /> IRRIGATED CROPS OCCUPY THE EXTENT OF BOTH PARCELS WHICH CONTAIN THE PROJECT SITE. <br /> 1 ;3,thr�, 10 <br /> trd; <br /> 3 `1 ,i•1y <br /> kf{�hYr?�'1I'' 14(r�Qtid�lty,, .r.... ..;4•. .r.. "�jr,^j?a' Y'. i. <br /> S. Describe air pollutants that may result from the project( related dust,vehicle trips per day,fire places, <br /> Incinerators,etc.): <br /> NO AIR POLLUTANTS ARE ANTICIPATED TO RESULT FROM THE PROJECT. <br /> ,. .. , .�' <br /> 9. Describe any Items of historical or archaeological Interest on-site(e.g.cemeteries or structures): <br /> NO ITEMS OF HISTORICAL OR ARCHAEOLOGICAL INTEREST ARE KNOWN TO EXIST ON-SITE. <br /> 10. Describe any on-site or off-site sources of noise or vibration(e.g.freeway noise,heavy equipment,etc.): <br /> TRAFFIC ON FRENCH CAMP ROAD, TYPICAL OF WESTON RANCH RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TO THE NORTH. <br /> 11. Describe any on-site or off-site sources of light of glare(e.g.parking lot lighting,or reflective materials used). <br /> STREET LIGHTING ON FRENCH CAMP ROAD. <br /> 12. Describe any on-site or off-site source of odor(e.g.agricultural wastes): <br /> NO SOURCES OF ODOR. ARE KNOWN TO EXIST ON-SITE OR OFF-SITE. <br /> 13. Describe any displacement of people that will be caused by the project(e.g.numbers of people,housing units): <br /> THE PROJECT WILL NOT CAUSE DISPLACEMENT OF PEOPLE. <br /> IL <br /> —J <br /> -4- <br />