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• i <br /> CAB R I A <br /> We reviewed 1,2-DCA data for other service station sites we work on in California, and we <br /> found a few sites with very low 1,2-DCA detections in groundwater, and no sites with 1,2-DCA <br /> levels similar to those identified beneath the subject site If the 1,2-DCA found beneath the <br /> subject site originates from a fuel release at the site, it is difficult to explain why we do not see <br /> more cases with elevated 1,2-DCA levels This analysis suggests that the 1,2-DCA detected <br /> beneath the subject site may not originate from a fuel release at the subject site <br /> If the 1,2-DCA originates from a fuel release at the subject site then we would expect to find the <br /> other associated "lead package"compounds (EDB and lead) in soil and groundwater beneath the <br /> site EDB analysis has been conducted at the site and very little has been detected However, <br /> EDB is a compound that rapidly biodegrades As such, additional EDB analysis will probably <br /> not help deternime if the 1,2-DCA originates from the fuel retailed at this site The lead portion <br /> of the"lead package"is less mobile and biodegrades slower than the EDB Therefore, if the 1,2- <br /> DCA is associated with the fuel release at the site then we would expect to find elevated total <br /> lead levels in the soil near the suspected source area <br /> The work plan below proposes additional investigation to evaluate whether or not the source of <br /> . 1,2-DCA was a fuel release from the subject site Soil sampling is proposed to determine the <br /> background levels of lead at the site and to determine if lead is present in the suspected source <br /> area at elevated levels If the results of this investigation indicate the 1,2-DCA originates from a <br /> fuel release at the subject site, additional investigation activities will be proposed to assess the <br /> extent of 1,2-DCA <br /> TECHNICAL RATIONALE FOR PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK <br /> • 1,2-DCA has been detected in groundwater beneath the subject site at concentrations as high <br /> as 1,640 ppb <br /> I <br /> • The source of the 1,2-DCA needs to be verified j <br /> • Since 1,2-DCA was introduced into gasoline along with various lead compounds, elevated <br /> lead levels should be associated with the near source 1,2-DCA The highest levels of <br /> gasoline constituents, and also 1,2-DCA, have been detected in the vicinity of the northern <br /> dispenser island Cambria proposes collecting soil samples in the vicinity of boring SB-4 to <br /> evaluate the total lead content in the soil Due to the low solubility of lead no groundwater <br /> samples will be collected <br /> 0797 3 <br />