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Former Chevron Service Station No . 98632 Page 2 of 3 <br /> 575 West Grant Line Road February 19; 2015 <br /> Tracy, California 95376-2551 <br /> I <br /> The EHD does not consider advancement of only two soil borings adequate to characterize the <br /> current distribution and concentrations of the contaminants of concern in shallow soil on the site <br /> and cannot approve the Vt/orl< Plan. The EHD is of the opinion that this scope of work should be <br /> adequate to resolve several issues that will forward the case to closure. The questions of <br /> concern to the EHD are as follows: <br /> 1 . What are the current distribution and representative concentrations of the contaminants <br /> of concern at this time and can the concentrations pass the LTCP criterion for direct <br /> contact and exposure to outdoor air? Such questions cannot be answered by two <br /> borings. <br /> 2. What are the effects of natural attenuation on the concentrations of contaminants of <br /> concern in soil and what is the rate of attenuation? CRA invoked natural attenuation as <br /> likely to have reduced benzene concentrations to acceptable levels _ in Low-Threat <br /> Closure Evaluation, dated 19 June 2013; this question(s) requires comparison with <br /> previously obtained analytical data. <br /> 3. Is there a systematic distribution of contaminants of concern in shallow sail ? The EHD <br /> has contoured the benzene concentrations for shallow soil which appear to show a linear <br /> high concentration ', airway' trending northeast-southwest between borings PP-3 and <br /> MW-4; concentrations decline perpendicular to the `fairway'. The most intensely <br /> impacted soil gas probe locations occur close to or on the `fairway'. <br /> i <br /> If the high concentration `fairway' actually exists, it may represent an old utility trench or some <br /> other such linear feature. <br /> Whatever the results from the soil_samples_fr_om_pr_oposed_borings�_1_and-B-2, theyxannot-in <br /> and of themselves address questions 1 or 2, but can help address question 3 , and their <br /> proposed locations are approved. To obtain a current soil data set robust enough to address <br /> question 1 while also addressing questions 2 and 3, the EHD recommends advancing six <br /> additional soil borings as described below: <br /> e One boring adjacent to the southwest side of VP-1 and one boring adjacent to the <br /> south side of VP-4 where high benzene concentrations were detected in soil gas <br /> samples ; groundwater data show groundwater to be an unlikely source of the Z <br /> benzene, leaving soil as the potential source. Data from soil from these borings can <br /> address questions 1 and 3. <br /> ® One boring adjacent to the east side of IVR/11-3 where benzene concentrations were <br /> detected at 24 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) approximately six-and-a-half feet bsg; i <br /> data from this boring may address question 2 as well as questions 1 and 3. <br /> One boring adjacent to the south side of the onsite trailer in line with boring PP-3 and <br /> MW-2; and one boring in line with borings MW-2 and MW-4, approximately twenty- <br /> five feet northeast of MW-4; the data from these borings may address questions 1 <br /> and 3 along the inferred axis of the high concentration 'fair niav' ; and <br />