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15 March 1996 <br /> ' AGE-NC Project No 95-0105 <br /> Page 3 of 7 <br /> ' 3.4. PROCEDURES <br /> ' 3 1 MONITORING WELL PURGE PROCEDURES <br /> On 18 January 1996, a Solinst water level meter was used to measure the depth to ground water in <br /> ' each well relative to the top of the well casings The ground water elevation in each well was <br /> determined from these data(Table 1) <br /> ' After ground water depth measurements, each monitoring well was purged using a three-stage <br /> submersible pump Approximately 10 gallons of water(minimum of 3 well volumes) were evacuated <br /> from each well to allow ground water parameters to stabilize Temperature, pH and conductivity were <br /> measured at 2-gallon intervals using an ICM model 52200 water analyzer Stabilization data and field <br /> logs are included in Appendix A Purged water was contained in 55-gallon drums for temporary <br /> ' storage on-site <br /> 3 2 COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF GROUND WATER SAMPLES <br /> Water samples were collected from each monitoring well using new disposable bailers The samples <br /> were transferred into 40-m1 EPA vials containing hydrochloric acid as a preservative and into 1-liter <br /> ' amber bottles The samples were transported in a chilled container, under ice, to Alpha Analytical <br /> Laboratory (AAL) in Ukiah and analyzed for TPH-g, total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as <br /> ' diesel(TPH-d), BTE&X and methyl-tert-butyl ether(MTBE) in accordance with EPA method 5030, <br /> 8015m, 602 and 8020, respectively <br /> 33 SOIL PROBE BORINGS <br /> ' 3 3 1 COLLECTION OF SOIL SAMPLES <br /> Six soil probe bonngs were advanced at the site on 24 January 1996 Figure 2 depicts the locations <br /> ' of the probmgs The probings were advanced using AGE's van-mounted Geoprobe 5400 soil probing <br /> machine equipped with a 1 125-inch diameter soil sampler on the leading end of the probe rods <br /> t Probings P 1 and P2 were advanced in the left turn lane of west bound Grant Line Road, near Parker <br /> Avenue Probing P3 was placed on-site within former UST excavation B Probing P4 was advanced <br /> west of the site within the parking lane of Parker Avenue(city of Tracy right-of-way) Probing P5 <br /> ' was advanced on-site north of the building near the canopy <br /> • Probing P6 was advanced at the northwest corner of the property Probings P1, P2, and P4 were <br /> ' advanced to depths of 7 feet below surface grade (bsg), probins7 I was advanced to 9 feet bsg, <br /> 0 � <br /> 1 <br />