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15 September 1995 <br /> 1,6 ---- AGE-NC Project No 95-0105 <br /> ' Page 3 of 7 <br /> ' end of the canopy Boring B2 was installed near Grant Line Road north east of the canopy Boring <br /> locations are shown on Figure 2 Each boring was advanced to a depth of 10 feet Soil cuttings were <br /> stockpiled on-site on plastic sheeting <br /> For both borings, discrete soil samples were collected ahead of the drill bit at depths of 5 and 7 feet <br /> using a spht-tube sampler loaded with 2-inch by 6-inch brass sleeves To avoid cross contamination, <br /> the sampling equipment was washed in an Alconox solution and rinsed with water prior to each <br /> sampling run For each sample, both ends of the lead sleeve were covered with aluminum sheets, <br /> ' capped and sealed with tape <br /> Ground water was allowed to enter the bottom of both borings A ground water sample was then <br /> ' collected from each boring using a disposable bailer Samples were transferred into 40-m1 EPA vials <br /> preserved with hydrochloric acid and 1-liter amber bottles <br /> ' After the collection of ground water samples, both borings were backfilled to surface grade with <br /> Portland Cement <br /> � Soil and ground water samples were then stored on ice and transported under chain-of-custody to <br /> Western Environmental Science and Technology(WEST) in Davis, California Both 5-foot depth soil <br /> samples and ground water samples were analyzed for TPH-g, TPH-d and BTE&X in accordance with <br /> ' EPA methods 5030/8015m and 80201602, respectively <br /> ' 3 4 LOGGING <br /> Soil was extruded from the second brass sleeve and screened for the presence of organic vapors using <br /> i a photo-ionization detector(PID Thermo Environmental 580A, 10 0 eV, calibrated to isobutylene), <br /> and the readings recorded on the boring logs The soil was then described in accordance with the <br /> Unified Soil Classification System (see Boring Logs, Appendix B) <br /> 3 5 EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING PROCEDURES <br /> Excavation of impacted soil was initiated on 17 April 1995 Approximately 75 cubic yards of soil <br /> Exca p p pP Y <br /> were removed from north of the former pump islands Excavated soil was stockpiled on-site east and <br /> ' south of the building Ground water was encountered in the excavation at a depth of approximately <br /> 8 feet but eventually stabilized at 6 5 feet No samples were collected in April 1995 The excavation <br /> 1 limits are depicted on Figure 3 <br /> On 25 May 1995, trenching was performed to determine the extent of impacted soils Trench T1 was <br /> 1 <br />