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i <br /> Beacon Station No 1641 July 10 2003 <br /> Stockton Calitornia Preliminary Results Report and Work Plan Addendum <br /> The CPT borings B-6, B-7 and B-8 were advanced for collection of groundwater samples <br /> only Discrete groundwater samples were collected at depths of 50 and 75 feet bsg from <br /> borings B-6 and B-7, and from depths of 50, 70 and 100 feet bsg from boring B-8 <br /> Each soil or groundwater sample was collected on individual runs to the target depth The <br /> groundwater sampler was typically retracted approximately 4 feet to expose the hydropunch <br /> screen Groundwater samples were recovered with a decontaminated stainless steel bailer <br /> lowered through the drive rods into the sampler-screened interval The recovered samples <br /> were decanted into prepared sample containers The groundwater samplep were placed in a <br /> cooled ice chest for temporary storage and transport All borings were backfilled with neat <br /> cement <br /> The soil and groundwater samples were submitted, under chain-of-custody (COC) <br /> documentation to Kiff Analytical LLC (Kiff) of Davis, California, a California Department <br /> of Health-certified laboratory (ELAP No 2236) The samples were analyzed for total <br /> • petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), the volatile aromatic compounds benzene, <br /> toluene ethylbenzene and total xylenes (BTEX), the seven fuel oxygenates methyl-t-butyl <br /> ether (MTBE), diisopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl-t-butyl ether (ETBE) tert-amyl methyl ether <br /> (TAME), tert-butanol (TBA), methanol, ethanol, and the lead-scavenger compounds 1,2- <br /> dichloroethane (DCA) and 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) by Environmental Protection Agency <br /> Method 8260B <br /> RESULTS OF ADDITIONAL SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION <br /> The CPT log (Appendix C) indicates that the soil profile to 100 feet bsg is dominated by silt, <br /> sandy silt, clayey silt, clay and other stiff fine-grained sediments with minor interbedded <br /> sands The intervals from approximately 34 to 36 feet bsg, 43 to 49 feet bsg 52 to 56 feet <br /> bsg and 67 to 74 feet bsg are characterized by silty sand and sand with a minor gravelly sand <br /> W Paddnm7-03 <br /> ProJectNo 1641 16 5 HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC <br />