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Beacon Station No 641 vla} 10 2000 <br /> Stockton California Groundwater klonitonn,J Repos tt <br /> . field instrumentation during the purging process The -Visual characteristics of the <br /> groundwater were also noted during the purging process <br /> Groundwater samples were collected from all five monitoring wells, the sparge .%ell and <br /> four of the eight vapor wells Location of the wells and other pertinent site features ale <br /> shown on the attached Site Map (Figure 2) The collected samples were submitted under <br /> chain-of-custody documentation to Kiff Analytical (Kiff), a California-certified analytical <br /> laboratory (FLAP No 2236) located in Davis, California The groundwater samples were <br /> analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg), the volatile aromatic <br /> compounds benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and total xylenes (BTEX), the fir,e fuel <br /> oxygenates methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), ditsopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tert-butt' ether <br /> (ETBE), tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME), tert-butanol (TBA), methanol and ethanol by <br /> Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260B The laboratory data sheets and the <br /> chain-of-custody report are included as Attachment C <br /> Results <br /> Groundwater level data collected by Doulos were used to construct the Gioundwater <br /> Contour Map (Figure 3) The average depth-to-groundwater for the wells was 42 5 feet <br /> below surface grade (bsg) The average gioundwater level represents an appro\imately 2 <br /> foot rise compared to that measured in December 1999 The Groundwater flow dii ection <br /> was generally to the northeast under a gradient of approximately 0 001 foot/foot <br /> • Benzene was detected in groundwater samples from monitoring well MW-5 at 21 <br /> micrograms per liter (parts per billion or ppb) and in vapors wells VW-1, VW-3 VW-5 and <br /> VW-7 at concentrations ranging from 500 to 5,100 ppb Other BTEX compounds wel e also <br /> detected in groundwater samples from the vapor wells Benzene concentrations ha"e <br /> decreased in monitoring well 1\4W-5 and in vapor wells VW-1, VW-5 and VW-7 compared <br /> to December 1999 The benzene concentration detected in the groundwater sample from <br /> vapor well VW-3 increased slightly compared to December 1999 Benzene concentration <br /> data from wells screened in the interval of 40 to 55 feet bsg (vapor wells VW-1, VW-3 VW- <br /> 5 and VW-7) were used to construct a Benzene Isoconcentratlon Map (Figure 4) <br /> Groundwater samples from monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-5 (screened in the inters ats 60 <br /> to 80 and 50 to 75 feet bsg) located within the 500 ppb benzene contour contained benzene <br /> concentrations of <2 0 and 21 ppb, respectively Benzene concentrations in groundwater <br /> appear to be limited to depths of less than 60 feet bsg <br /> Concentrations of the fuel oxygenates DIPE, ETBE and TAME were not detected in any of <br /> the groundwater samples this quarter Concentrations of MTBE were detected in <br /> groundwater from all sampled wells at concentrations ranging form 0 91 to 14,000 ppb <br /> Concentrations of MTBE have decreased in all sampled wells except MW-1 and sparge well <br /> SW-1 compared to December 1999 Concentrations of TBA were detected in samples from <br /> monitoring wells MW-2, MW-4 and MW-5 at concentrations ranging from 1; to 72 ppb and <br /> represent concentration decreases compared to December 1999 <br /> 641gnu00Q1 doc <br /> 1641 43 2 HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC <br />