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25 August 1999 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 98-0448 <br /> Page 8 of 10 <br /> I First encountered ground water is approximately 17 feet bsg, first observed saturated soil <br /> was between 20 feet bsg and 25 feet bsg <br /> • General lithology beneath the site was noted on boring logs (Appendix A) and consisted of , <br /> a brown, moist, very stiff clay with some silt and fine sand between 10 feet bsg and 15 feet <br /> bsg Generally,a brown to pale green/gray, moist to saturated, medium dense to dense, sand <br />' with some silt was between 15 feet bsg and 25 feet bsg A pale green/gray, saturated, <br /> medium dense to dense, poorly graded, sand with some silt was generally encountered at <br /> depths between 25 and 30 feet bsg A brown to pale green/gray, moist to saturated, medium <br /> I dense to dense, sand with some silt was generally encountered between 30 feet bsg and 35 <br /> feet bsg A pale green/blue/gray, moist, hard silt with some fine sand and clay was <br /> encountered at 45 feet bsg <br />' Laboratory analysis of six soil samples detected TPH-g, BTEX and MTBE in one sample, <br /> no other petroleum hydrocarbon compounds were detected in any of the analyzed soil <br /> Isamples <br /> • The results of the microbial enumeration and physicochemical analysis indicated that <br /> selected microbial enumeration (hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms) were detected at <br /> 1 CFU (colony forming units)per gram The laboratory indicated that these physicochemical <br /> conditions at the site were well within the range necessary to support microbial growth and <br /> I bioremedial activity However, the laboratory reported that the percentage of microbial <br /> biodegraders were significantly lower in the EW1-25 soil sample, possibly due to the <br /> presence of alternative carbon sources (abundance of organic debris) <br /> • Ground water flow direction for the area bound by wells MW-2. MW-3 and MW-5 through <br /> MW-8 was generally toward the southwest at a calculated gradient of 0 007 ft/ft, or <br /> approximately 37 feet per mile (Figure 3), ground water flow direction for the area bound <br /> by wells MW-1 and MW-4 was generally toward the south-southwest <br /> • Ground water was approximately 26 feet above the screened interval in monitoring well <br /> MW-413, therefore this well is "drowned", and will not yield a sample representative of <br /> shallow ground water - - - <br /> I • Ground water elevation at the site decreased an average 0 53 feet between the March and <br /> June 1999 ground water monitoring events , <br /> • TPH-g was detected in ground water samples collected from wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-4A, <br /> MW-413, MW-6 and MW-8 at concentrations between 86 micrograms per liter (,ug/l) and <br /> 65,000µg/1, the Iaboratory reported unmodified or weakly,modified gasoline was significant <br /> Ior heavier gasoline range compounds were significant <br /> • <br /> IAdvanced GeoEn%ironmeniai,Inc <br />