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' 24 May 2005 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 98-0448 <br />' Page 7 of 9 <br />' Between 22 December2004 and 08 March 2005, the SVE unit operated for approximately 1,824 <br /> hours The average of analytical results between SVE air flow sampling events (Table 6), average <br /> SVE air flow rates, (Table 7) and the operational period were used to calculate the approximate <br /> volume and mass of extracted gasoline during these periods During the above air monitoring events, <br />' the mass of hydrocarbons extracted from the SVE system was calculated to be approximately <br /> 53 pounds, or equivalent to an approximate volume of 8'/2 gallons'of gasoline extracted A plot of <br />' the cumulative volume (gallons)of hydrocarbons extracted to date is in Appendix E Added to the <br /> estimated 302 42 gallons of hydrocarbons extracted from the SVE system since 16 April 2001, the <br /> total volume of hydrocarbons extracted to date is estimated at 310 93 gallons The mass/volume <br />' calculations for extracted hydrocarbons are included with Appendix F <br />' 5.0. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS <br /> The implications from the March 2005 ground water monitoring events are as follows <br />' • The March 2005 ground water elevations at the site ranged approximately between 8 85 feet <br />'. (MW-4A)and 10 84 feet(MW-4B)below MSL The ground water elevation at the site were <br /> slightly above the screen intervals at wells MW-1, MW-2 and were within the screened <br /> intervals of wells MW-3 through MW-8, and should be representative of shallow ground <br />' water conditions,however well MW-4B is"drowned"with water approximately 25 feet over <br /> the screen and yields a sample more representative of deeper ground water conditions <br /> (Table 2) <br />' • Ground water elevation data collected on 24 March 2005 did not suggest that ground water <br /> mounding was occurring due to air sparging at the site (Figure 3) <br />' • Ground water flow direction at the site was toward the southwest,the ground water gradient <br /> was estimated to be approximately 0 050 ft/ft (Figure 3) <br />' • The March 2005 concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons detected in the sample collected <br /> from well MW-2 indicates that this well is still within the dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon <br /> "core,area"- of the plume (Figure 4), no other-petroleum hydrocarbons were detected from Y . . <br />' wells MW-1 through MW-8 and suggests the margins of the plume are within the perimeter <br /> of the well network <br /> • Between the December 2004 and March 2005 monitoring events, increasing TPH-g <br />' concentrations were reported from samples collected at well MW-2(from 1,300µg/1 to 6,400 <br /> µg/1), the elevated TPH-g concentrations may be attributed to increasing ground water <br /> elevations ,Conversely,benzene levels were not detected from MW-2 for the 7'consecutive <br />' monitoring event, with a trend of decreasing toluene and total xylenes levels still evident <br /> from MW-2 samples The trend of decreasing concentrations may be attributed to the air <br />' Advanced GeoEnrironmental,Inc <br /> I ' <br />