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r <br />' 24 May 2005 <br /> i AGE-NC Project No 98-0448 <br />' Page 8 of 9 <br />' sparge activities being performed at wells AW-1 through AW-5 and MW-4B (Table 3) <br /> Based on SVE/IAS remediation data collected between 22 December 2004and 08 March 2005,AGE <br />' concludes <br /> • The volume of hydrocarbons extracted by the SVE system was calculated to be <br />' approximately 53 pounds during the first quarter 2005, or equivalent to an approximate <br /> volume of 8`/2 gallons of gasoline extracted (Appendix F) or approximately three percent <br />' (3%) of the total hydrocarbons removed <br /> • The average SVE inlet flow rate was estimated to be 25 cubic feet per minute (cfm) at an <br /> average differential pressure of 0 20 inches of water(Table 6) <br />' • Since initiation of the SVE system(April 2001),the total volume of petroleum hydrocarbons <br /> extracted is estimated to be approximately 311 gallons (Table 7) <br />' • The SVE system may have extracted the majority of the I available adsorbed soil <br /> contamination, as based on the decline trend in vapor samples collected <br /> 6.0. RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Based upon the results of this investigation, AGE recommends <br /> • Confirmation soil borings should be advanced at the site to at least 50 feet bsg to evaluate <br /> soil and ground water clean-up progress <br />' • Until site closure is warranted, continued quarterly ground water monitoring and sampling <br /> ofwells MW-1,MW-2,MW-4A,MW-4B,MW-6 and MW-8,ground water sampling results <br /> will be used to monitor progress of the SVE and IAS remediation system <br />' • Although analytical results of SVE air flow samples suggested non detectable levels for the <br /> months of February and March 2004,-operation of the SVE/IAS,remediation system still <br />' appears to have a beneficial effect in reducing the long chain hydrocarbon-impact(TPH-g) <br /> to ground water at MW-2 Therefore, AGE recommends continued operation of the on-site <br /> SVE/lAS remediation system and will be re-evaluated on a quarterly basis Based on the <br />' current data,AGE anticipates operation of the SVE remediation system at least through the <br /> end of the second quarter 2005 calendar year <br /> I <br />' Advanced GcoEnnronmentsl,Inc <br /> I <br />