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4.0 CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND PROJECT STATUS <br /> Between September 17, 2003 and March 25, 2004, the groundwater surface beneath the site rose <br /> an average of 3 85 feet The groundwater gradient configured using the shallow-constructed wells <br /> decreased from 0 00240 to 0 00106 foot/foot, and the gradient using the deep-constructed wells <br /> decreased from 0 00450 to 0 00187 foot/foot The groundwater flow direction remained relatively <br /> consistent toward the northeast <br /> Groundwater from Irrigation Well #2 did not contain detectable concentrations of any of the <br /> gasoline compounds analyzed Groundwater collected from Irrigation Well #2 has been free of <br /> gasoline compounds for 16 consecutive quarters <br /> Between September 17, 2003 and March 25, 2004 the concentrations of gasoline compounds in <br /> the groundwater monitoring wells remained relatively consistent MTBE in groundwater appears to <br /> be limited to the groundwater table to the northeast (downgradient) of the former UST As shown <br /> on the isoconcentration maps (Figures 8 and 9), the plume of groundwater impacted by MTBE is <br /> defined to the south by VW-1, to the east by MW-4, and to the northeast (downgradient) by MW-8A <br /> ' and MW-813 <br /> During the three groundwater extraction events, a total of 6,850 gallons of groundwater were <br /> removed from MW-5 and MW-7 This translates to an average flow rate of approximately 4 75 <br /> gallons per minute <br /> Groundwater extraction appears to be reducing the concentrations of MTBE and 1,2-DCA in <br /> groundwater Between December 18, 2003 and March 25, 2004, the concentrations of MTBE and <br /> 1,2-DCA have remained relatively stable in MW-5, and have declined an average of 44% in MW-7 <br /> Based on these conclusions, Ramage Environmental recommends that the monthly groundwater <br /> extraction events continue for at least another quarter Following the next quarterly round of <br /> groundwater monitoring and sampling in June 2004, the effectiveness of groundwater extraction will <br /> be further evaluated <br /> 1 0 8 <br />