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Environmental Assessment Report 5 <br /> San Joaquin Catholic Cemetery,Cemetery Lane and Harding Way,Stockton CA June 28 1995 <br /> Table 4 is a summarizes the results of the soil vapor extraction test Graph 4 shows the relationship <br /> between flow rate and radius of influence and applied vacuum <br /> 43 Vadose Zone Modeling <br /> Pilot test data were used as input for VENT-ROI, a design tool which provides a rough estimate of the <br /> effective cleanup radius for soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems The effective radius is defined as <br /> "the maximum distance from a vapor extraction point through which sufficient air is drawn to remove the <br /> required fraction of contamination in the desired time" The model was developed by Groundwater <br /> Technology in 1992 (Bass, 1993) Critical assumptions made by the model are summarized below <br /> ► subsurface is laterally uniform and anisotropic <br /> ► air infiltration through the ground surface is proportional to the subsurface vacuum,which is <br /> approximated as dissipating exponentially with distance from the vapor extraction well <br /> ► contaminants equilibrate between the soil and the gas flowing through the subsurface with the <br /> equilibrium soil gas concentration proportional to the soil concentration <br /> ► biodegradation is assumed to follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics <br /> The effective radius, calculated using the above assumptions,is the distance from the vapor extraction <br /> well at which subsurface air flow is just sufficient to achieve the remediation goals It Is specific to the <br /> desired remediation time, required extent of remediation, and site contaminant For modeling purposes <br /> the following were assumed for the site <br /> ► required extent of remediation = 99 percent <br /> ► site contaminant= fresh gasoline <br /> The model was run on data collected from VW-3 and VW-2D due to the extended time-penod and <br /> multi-flow data Simulations were run for time periods corresponding to one,two and three years for <br /> each well As calculated by the model, effective radii range from 5-7 feet for one year and 16-18 feet <br /> for cleanup times of three years Model output is included in Appendix D <br /> 44 Summary of Test Results <br /> The results of vapor extraction testing are summarized in Table 4 The radius of influence in the <br /> subsurface material ranges from 32 to 75 feet based on conventional calculation methods (linear <br /> regression) Using the vadose zone modeling tool VENT-ROI effective radii of influence ranged from 5- <br /> 7 feet for one-year cleanup times up to 16-18 feet for 3-year cleanup times From the extraction test <br /> data it is estimated that hydrocarbons could be extracted at a rate of approximately 70 pounds per day <br /> from the shallow zone and 30 pounds per day from the deep zone Based on an radius of influence <br /> estimate of 15 feet,the current vapor extraction system will provide 80 percent coverage of <br /> SJCCEAR rptlMnc 171 <br /> 1-1–J9 GROUNDWATER <br /> ❑O❑ TECHNUMY <br />