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Work Plan for Well Installation and Testing January 13, 1995 <br /> San Joaquin Catholic Cemetery 2 <br /> be contacted to delineate subsurface piping with surface markings Air discharge permits will be <br /> acquired from the San Joaquin Valley Unified Aar Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) prior to <br /> conducting the vapor extraction test <br /> TASK 2 SOIL BORINGS, SAMPLING AND ANALYSES/GROUNDWATER MONITORING <br /> WELL INSTALLATION <br /> Groundwater Technology will drill four (4) soil borings using a truck-mounted drill ng equipped with <br /> 8 and 10-Inch diameter hollow stem augers at the locations shown on Figure 1 Two of the four soil <br /> borings will be drilled to a depth of approximately 30 feet below ground surface (bgs) using 8-Inch <br /> diameter augers to accommodate the installation of one vapor extraction well (VEND The remaining <br /> two borings will be drilled to a depth of approximately 70 feet bgs with 10-Inch diameter augers to <br /> accommodate the Installation of two, nested VEWs in each boring <br /> Soil samples will be collected from each soil boring at 5-foot Intervals beginning at 5 feet BGS using <br /> a split-spoon sampler lined with 2-inch-diameter by 8-inch-long brass sample tubes The hollow- <br /> stem augers will be steam cleaned before drilling, and sampling equipment will be cleaned between <br /> each sampling interval Each soil sample will be screened for hydrocarbon vapors using a <br /> photoionization detector (PID) Soils encountered during drilling will be logged using the Unified Soil <br /> Classification System by a Groundwater Technology field geologist, working under the supervision of <br /> a California registered geologist One sample tube from each sampling interval will be sealed with <br /> teflon sheets, capped, taped, labeled, and placed on ice in an Insulated container Based on field <br /> observations, selected soil samples from each borehole will be analyzed by a State-certified <br /> analytical laboratory for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX), and total petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons-as-gasoline (TPH-G) by EPA methods 5030/8020/8015 modified <br /> All wells will be constructed of 2-inch diameter, schedule 40 PVC casing with flush threads and <br /> 0 020-inch-slot well screen In the shallow 8-inch borings, well screen will be Installed from the <br /> bottom of the boring up to 8 ft bgs In the deeper 10-inch borings two separate wells will be built <br /> side by side within the same boring (nested) The well screen for the deep zone well will be Installed <br /> from approximately 70 ft bgs up to 35 feet bgs The well screen for the shallow zone well will be <br /> Installed from approximately 28 feet bgs up to 8 ft bgs A sand filter pack will be placed around the <br /> well screen to a height of two feet above the top of the screen in each well In the nested wells, <br /> approximately 4 feet of hydrated bentonite will be placed between the top of the sand in the deep <br /> zone well and the bottom of the shallow zone well screen as shown in Figure 2 to ensure pneumatic <br /> separation between the two zones Each well will be completed with a bentonite seal and cement <br /> grout (containing 2 to 3 percent bentonite powder) to the surface The wellheads will be protected <br /> at the surface with locking caps and traffic-rated street boxes with watertight bolted lids <br /> 00815VEr WKP(MisC-17) <br /> ❑❑® GROUNDWATER <br /> ❑❑❑ TECHNOLOGY <br />