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24 Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling and Analysis <br /> On August 24, 2000, Ramage Environmental monitored and sampled groundwater at the site <br /> To evaluate groundwater flow and gradient characteristics, the depth-to-groundwater was <br /> measured in all seven groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-7), and the two deep <br /> soil vapor extraction wells (VW-1D and VW-2D) To monitor the plume of impacted <br /> groundwater, groundwater was sampled from these nine wells, and from the on-site irrigation <br /> well (Well #2) <br /> Prior to sampling, each monitoring well was purged of at least three well volumes using a <br /> decontaminated down-hole pump and dedicated and disposable tubing Following purging and <br /> rrecharge, a groundwater sample was collected from each well using a dedicated and disposable <br /> sampling bailer Irrigation Well #2 was allowed to flow at the wellhead until the downhole pump <br /> was automatically activated A groundwater sample was collected directly at the wellhead <br /> through a sample port <br /> The groundwater samples were contained in laboratory-supplied bottles, labeled, and packed in <br /> an iced cooler for transport with chain-of-custody documentation to Kiff Kiff analyzed the <br /> groundwater samples for TPH-as-gasoline, BTEX, MTBE, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, TBA and 1,2- <br /> DCA by EPA Method 82606 <br /> 8 <br /> i <br />