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The first boring (CPT-1 A)was located over the former UST (Figure 3), and drilled to a total depth <br /> of 100 feet for soil sampling only To confirm the effectiveness of the soil vapor extraction <br /> system and further define the vertical extent of impacted soil beneath the site, soil samples were <br /> collected every 10 feet to a depth of 100 feet bgs The soil samples were collected into stainless <br /> steel sample sleeves with a push-driven sod sampler The samples were sealed with Teflon® <br /> film and plastic end caps, labeled, and transported in an iced cooler with chain-of-custody <br /> documentation to Kiff Analytical, LLC (Kiff) a state of California certified analytical laboratory <br /> (#2236) Kiff analyzed all ten sod samples for TPH-as-gasoline, benzene, toluene, <br /> ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX), MTBE, di-isopropyl ether(DIPE), ethyl-t-butyl ether (ETBE), tert- <br /> amyl methyl ether(TAME), tert-butanol (TBA) and 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) by EPA Method <br /> 8260B <br /> Approximately 20 feet northeast (downgradient) of the former USTs, Gregg advanced a set of <br /> three sod borings, designated CPT-1 (Figure 3) In the first of these borings, Gregg used the <br /> ' CPT system to record tip resistance, sleeve friction, and dynamic pore pressure to a total depth <br /> of 125 feet Pore pressure dissipation tests were recorded when suspected groundwater <br /> bearing zones were encountered during drilling The CPT plots, pore pressure dissipation plots, <br /> and interpretation output are included in Gregg's report (Appendix D) <br /> Based on the CPT and pore pressure dissipation data, possible groundwater-bearing zones <br /> were identified at approximately 45, 75, 90, and 125 feet bgs The second soil boring at CPT-1 <br /> was advanced to collect discrete groundwater samples from the 75 and 90-foot intervals The <br /> third soil boring at CPT-1 was dedicated for collecting a discrete groundwater sample from the <br /> 125-foot interval Discrete groundwater samples were collected from the 75, 90 and 125-foot <br /> groundwater-bearing zones using a HydropunchTM and a bailer The groundwater samples were <br /> collected into laboratory supplied bottles, labeled, packaged in an iced cooler, and transported <br /> with chain-of-custody documentation to Kiff for analysis Kiff analyzed all three groundwater <br /> samples for TPH-as-gasoline, BTEX, MTBE, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, TBA, and 1,2-DCA by EPA <br /> Method 8260B <br /> Following sampling, Gregg sealed the boreholes with cement grout, placed by the tremae <br /> method <br /> 7 <br />