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i <br /> 3.0 PROBLEM ASSESSMENT <br /> 3.1 Geology and Hydrogeology <br /> The soil stratigraphy beneath the site consists of sdiciclastic silt and clay mixtures interbedded <br /> with thin, laterally discontinuous sand and silty sand lenses less than five feet thick Only one <br /> silty sand interval, encountered between 40 and 50 feet bgs, can be correlated between more <br /> than one borehole (Figures 3 and 4) This subsurface sand interval is approximately five feet <br /> thick, extends approximately 60 feet north and east (downgradient) of the former USTs and <br /> currently coincides with the depth of the groundwater table <br /> During the drilling of MW-6 and MW-7, saturated sod was first encountered between 43 and 44 <br /> feet bgs. On May 1, 1998, prior to well purging and sampling, the static depth-to-groundwater <br /> was measured in both wells at approximately 40 feet bgs <br /> On May 1, 1998, the groundwater elevation beneath the site ranged from a high of 23 74 feet <br /> below mean sea level (msl) in MW-1 to a low of 23 89 feet below msl in MW-4 Groundwater <br /> levels have risen an average of 6 18 feet since they were last monitored on February 12, 1998 <br /> The groundwater gradient was calculated at approximately 0 0014 foot/foot in a northeast <br /> direction The groundwater flow direction and gradient are illustrated on the groundwater <br /> surface map (Figure 5) The historical groundwater monitoring data are summanzed in Table 1 <br /> 3.2 Nature and Extent of Subsurface Impacts <br /> Soil and groundwater beneath the site are impacted by gasoline hydrocarbons originating from <br /> the former UST system <br /> 3 2 1 Sod Impact <br /> To date, a total of 35 soil samples have been collected for analysis from beneath the two former <br /> USTs and from 15 sod borings drilled at the site The histoncal analytical data from these soil <br /> samples are summanzed in Table 1 In soil, the greatest concentrations of gasoline <br /> hydrocarbons (12,000 mg/kg of TPH-as-Gasoline and 26 mg/kg of benzene)were detected at a <br /> depth of 16 feet bgs from MW-1, directly beneath the former USTs <br /> Vertically, the majority of the gasoline hydrocarbon mass is concentrated from 10 to 30 feet bgs <br /> beneath and immediately north of the former USTs As shown on the two cross-sections <br />