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(Figures 3 and 4), concentrations of TPH-as-Gasoline in excess of 10,000 mg/kg are likely <br /> present between approximately 13 and 24 feet bgs directly beneath the former LISTS <br /> Concentrations of TPH-as-Gasoline in excess of 100 mg/kg likely extend to a depth of <br /> approximately 40 feet bgs Minor concentrations of TPH-as-Gasoline (2 2 mg/kg) and benzene <br /> (0 34 mg/kg) were detected at a maximum depth of 65 feet bgs in MW-3 Minor concentrations <br /> of TPH-as-Gasoline ranging from 1 1 mg/kg to 2 2 mg/kg were also detected in sod between 56 <br /> and 62 feet bgs in MW-1, VW-2 and MW-3, likely resulting from the downgradient spreading of <br /> the gasoline hydrocarbons on the historic groundwater table <br /> Laterally, the majority of the gasoline hydrocarbon mass is confined to the footprint of the former <br /> USTs and soils immediately north Since the UST system was situated immediately east of the <br /> mausoleum budding, the extent of impacted soil is not defined to the west Concentrations of <br /> TPH-as-Gasoline in excess of 10,000 mg/kg were detected only in one soil sample from MW-1, <br /> collected directly beneath the former USTs Concentrations of TPH-as-Gasoline in excess of <br /> 1,000 mg/kg were also detected in SB-2 and VW-3, approximately 20 feet north of the former <br /> USTs Due to the lateral spreading of gasoline hydrocarbons on the historic water table, minor <br /> concentrations of TPH-as-Gasoline and benzene were detected in sod approximately 40 north <br /> and 30 feet east of the former USTs (Figure 6) <br /> 3 2 2 Groundwater Impact <br /> To date, groundwater has been sampled from seven groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1 <br /> through MW-7) and two deep vapor extraction wells (VW-1D and VW-2D) The construction <br /> specifications for each of these wells and the four shallow vapor extraction wells (VW-1 S, VW- <br /> 2S, VW-3 and VW-4) are summarized in Table 3 <br /> Until the summer of 1996, groundwater was only sampled from the five original groundwater <br /> monitoring wells The highest concentration of gasoline hydrocarbons detected in groundwater <br /> up until this time was 1,100 µg11 of TPH-as-Gasoline and 160 µg/I of benzene from MW-3 <br /> However, as the Hydrograph vs Concentration Diagram for MW-3 illustrates (Figure 7), TPH- <br /> as-Gasoline was not detected in this well once the groundwater level had risen above the top of <br /> the screen interval <br /> In September 1996, quarterly monitoring of the five original groundwater monitoring wells was <br /> discontinued Instead, groundwater was sampled from the two deep vapor extraction wells (VW- <br /> 1 D and VW-2D) with screen intervals spanning the groundwater table elevation Groundwater <br /> sampled from VW-213 contained 11,000 µg/I of TPH-as-Gasoline and 1,300 µg/l of benzene, <br /> thus substantiating the theory that groundwater samples collected from wells with groundwater <br /> 10 <br />