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Both wells were constructed with a filter pack of Monterey#3 graded and washed sand to three <br /> feet above the top of the screened intervals Overlying the sand pack in both wells, a layer of <br /> hydrated bentonite chips was installed approximately two feet thick A surface seal of neat <br /> cement grout was placed over the hydrated bentonite The tops of the wells were secured and <br /> locked with watertight caps Monitoring well MW-6 was completed with an 8-inch diameter, <br /> flush-mount traffic box and MW-7 was completed with a 5-foot stove-pipe monument casing <br /> Dunng drilling, the sod cuttings were logged according to the Unified Soil Classification System <br /> by a geologist and screened using an organic vapor monitor equipped with a photoionization <br /> detector(PID) Monitoring well logs are included as Appendix C <br /> 2 2 2 Soil Sampling and Analysis <br /> During the drilling of both sod borings, soil samples were collected using a modified California <br /> split-spoon sampler, lined with brass sleeves Since the sod borings were located outside of the <br /> defined plume of impacted soil, soil samples were only collected in each soil boring at 40 and 45 <br /> feet bgs To evaluate the condition of sod below the groundwater table, the soil samples <br /> collected from 45 feet bgs from each soil boring were submitted for laboratory analysis <br /> Both sod samples were labeled, packaged in an iced cooler, and transported under chain-of- <br /> custody documentation to American Environmental Network (AEN), a state of California certified <br /> hazardous waste testing laboratory (DOHS #1172) AEN analyzed each of the groundwater <br /> samples for TPH-as-Gasoline, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) and MTBE by <br /> modified EPA Method 8015/8020 and for the alcohol- and ether-based oxygenate compounds <br /> by EPA 8260 <br /> 2 2 3 Well Development and Elevation Survey <br /> During well construction, immediately following the placement of the sand filter packs, each well <br /> was surged by the driller for approximately 20 minutes On May 1, 1998, after the groundwater <br /> monitoring wells were completed and the grout seal had set, the wells were pumped with an <br /> electric downhole (Grunfos) pump The wells were considered developed once the sediment in <br /> the discharged groundwater had cleared and after at least five well volumes had been pumped <br /> Approximately 25 gallons (approximately 8 well volumes) of groundwater were actually pumped <br /> from each well During groundwater pumping from both wells a stable draw down of <br /> approximately 2 feet was maintained at a sustained pumping rate of approximately 4 gallons per <br /> minute (gpm) The purged groundwater from each well was contained in separate 55-gallon <br /> 1 0 drums and stored on-site pending proper disposition <br /> 7 <br />