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S ECOR -- <br /> Ms Margaret Lagorio <br /> May 2, 2005 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Scope of Work <br /> The purpose of this IRAP revision is to develop a work plan to evaluate the feasibility of <br /> groundwater extraction as an interim control measure to prohibit MTBE from moving further <br /> laterally downgradient of the Site. The first step in this work plan would be to conduct a <br /> pump test, as requested in SJCEHD's letter(3/16/05), on wells MW-2, MW-3, and MWO- <br /> 1X. This pump test would be used to calculate transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, and <br /> storativity, so that the feasibility of groundwater extraction as an interim remedial action <br /> measure could be evaluated. To conduct the pump test, SECOR would perform the <br /> following tasks: <br /> Task 1: Pre-Field Activities <br /> SECOR will ensure a Health and Safety Plan has been developed and is current for the <br /> Site. SECOR will also secure the equipment necessary to complete pumping tests, <br /> including a variable rate submersible pump and pressure transducers /data loggers for <br /> each well that will be monitored. SECOR will also obtain the equipment and permits <br /> necessary to collect and if necessary discharge pumped groundwater. i <br /> Task 2: Conduct Step Drawdown Tests in MW-2, MW-3, and MWO-1X <br /> A step drawdown test will be conducted for MW-2, MW-3, and MWO-1X. In a step <br /> drawdown test, groundwater is pumped from a well at a set flow rate and over a specified <br /> amount of time. Drawdown in the well is measured; if drawdown does not initially occur, <br /> then the pumping rate is increased until drawdown to a constant, specified level is <br /> achieved. The flow rate used to achieve the desired drawdown is applied for the constant <br /> rate pumping test. This test provides information about the potential capture zone of the <br /> potential groundwater extraction system for each well tested, and the feasibility of using <br /> groundwater extraction as an interim remedial action measure. SECOR will conduct a test <br /> for each well at a minimum of three flow steps. SECOR anticipates each test will take <br /> approximately one hour. <br /> Task 3: Conduct Constant Rate Pump Tests on MW-2 and MW-3, and MWO-1X. <br /> A constant rate pumping test is used to derive aquifer parameters that will be used to <br /> quantify plume capture if groundwater extraction and treatment is chosen as an interim <br /> remedial action measure. In this test, groundwater is extracted at a rate chosen on the <br /> basis of the step drawdown test over a set period of time for each well. In this case, <br /> SECOR proposes to extract groundwater over a period of six hours from each well. During <br /> the test, groundwater levels are measured at the pumped well as well as at wells <br /> surrounding the pumped well. The difference in drawdown between the pumped and <br /> monitored wells is used to estimated transmissivity, storativity, and hydraulic conductivity of <br /> the aquifer. Wells MW-2, MW-3, and MWO-1X will be tested separately. MTBE will be <br /> sampled in each pumped well prior to, in the middle of, and after the pump test. MTBE <br /> concentrations will be evaluated to determine whether concentrations remain constant or <br /> decrease during the pump test, which will help determine the potential effectiveness of <br /> groundwater extraction as an interim remedial alternative. <br /> JTP_IRAP_V01.doc CADocuments and semngsusaxWy Documents\05-04\Joe's Truck Stop\IRAP\JTP_IRAP_V01.doc <br />