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1 <br /> . encountered in the groundwater. Minor levels of gasoline, 2,700 ppb, are described in <br /> Advanced's report to be at the volatile end of diesel <br /> 1 <br /> The USTs, which were the focus of the Advanced's investigation, were removed in <br /> February and October of 1998 The diesel UST located in the southern portion of the <br /> property was removed in February of 1998, and the USTs located in the UST farm situated <br /> in the northern portion of the property were removed in October of 1998 Elevated levels <br /> 1 of contamination, 240,000 ppb diesel, were encountered in the southern diesel UST area <br /> As groundwater is at approximately nine feet below ground surface(bgs), the groundwater <br /> sample was collected directly from the UST pit excavation Elevated levels of <br /> hydrocarbons were also found in the soil and groundwater in the northern UST pit area <br /> Water samples were collected directly from the UST pit and the results were as follows <br /> 100,000 ppb TPH gasoline, 31,000 ppb MTBE,4,600 ppb Benzene, 16,000 ppb Toluene, <br /> 3,000 ppb Ethyl Benzene, and 170,000 ppb Xylenes. Additionally, a small hole was <br /> discovered in the unleaded UST during the removal <br /> In November of 1998, Avalon, drilled fifteen geoprobe borings on the subject property <br /> a and tested soil and groundwater. Elevated levels of MTBE were found in the groundwater <br /> in the area of the former, northern UST area While the southern UST area did contain <br /> some contamination it appeared to be-minor in nature. The detections of MTBE in the <br /> northern UST area prompted the initiation of a groundwater investigation on the subject <br /> property - <br /> i <br /> In March of 2000, Avalon, installed six groundwater monitoring wells on the subject <br /> property This investigation was undertaken in order to determine the groundwater <br /> gradient direction and to determine the levels of MTBE and other Oxygenates in the <br /> groundwater The results of the groundwater investigation and subsequent four quarters <br /> of monitoring indicate a north/northeast gradient direction The groundwater monitoring <br /> wells confirm that the primary area of impact is the northwest portion of the subject <br /> property in the area of the former gasoline USTs referred to as the northern UST area Due <br /> to the elevated levels of MTBE along the northern boundary of the subject property, the <br /> Sanjoaquin County Environmental Health Department requested that offsite sampling be <br /> initiated to determine if an offsite impact had occurred <br /> In April 2001, Avalon, drilled ten geoprobe borings both on the subject property and <br /> offsite Four geoprobe borings were drilled on the subject property and six were drill <br /> offsite and to the northeast of the subject property All borings were advanced to depths <br /> of 20 feet bgs All of the borings were continuous cores with plastic liners Groundwater <br /> samples were collected from nine of the ten borings. Laboratory analytical results showed <br /> detections of MTBE in all samples analyzed Additionally, select groundwater samples <br /> also contained Toluene, TAME, Tert Butanol, Methanol, and Ethanol Levels of MTBE <br /> Avalon Environmental Consultants 9627-001-7 <br /> Joe's Truck Plaza <br /> May I5,2002 15600 S Harlan Road <br /> Lathrop,California <br /> 2 <br />