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Ms. Anne Ogrey -2 - 26 May 201C^ <br /> Former Holly Sugar Facility, Tracy <br /> monitoring may then be required to ensure the wells are not serving as a conduit for <br /> groundwater pollution. <br /> Issuance of a No Further Action Determination does not preclude future action by the Central <br /> Valley Water Board if subsequent monitoring, testing, or analysis of the Site indicates that the <br /> remedial action standards and objectives were not achieved; a new or previously <br /> undiscovered release occurs at the Site; or new information indicates that further Site <br /> investigation and remedial action are required to prevent a significant risk to human health and <br /> safety, the environment, or water quality. <br /> If you have questions about this letter, you may call Ms. Kristin Shelton at (916) 464-4819. <br /> jj�--PAMELA CREEDON <br /> Executive Officer <br /> Enclosures (2) <br /> cc: Mr. Harlin Knoll, San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department, Stockton <br /> Mr. John Minney, Madera Ranchos <br />