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material The filterack material was brought to approximately 2-feet above the top of <br /> P g PP Y <br />' the well screen An approximate 2-foot thick bentonite seal was placed above the filter <br /> pack and hydrated with clean, potable water and allowed to sit for 30-minutes prior to <br /> placement of the cement seal The remaining borehole annulus was sealed with neat <br />' cement grout The neat cement grout consisted of approximately 5 gallons of water per <br /> 94-pound sack of Portland cement Because the top of the sanitary seal was located less <br />' than 30-feet bgs, the SJCEHD approved a request to emplace the grout by free-fall <br /> provided sufficient time was allocated for hydration of the bentonite seal The wells were <br /> completed with flush-mounted vault boxes to minimize disturbance to site activities <br />' After well installations were completed, the elevation of the to of the monitoring well <br /> P P g <br />' casing was surveyed in order to establish top-of-casing elevation Additionally, as <br /> required by AB 2886, northing and eastmg latitude and longitude information was also <br /> generated for the State's Geo Tracker database system <br /> 1 <br /> Monitoring well construction details are shown on the lithologic logs in Appendix B of <br />' this report <br /> 4.2.2 Monitoring Well Development <br /> t• <br /> All monitoring wells were developed using a combination of surging, bailing, and <br />' pumping until the well produced clean, relatively sediment-free water Development <br /> activities were conducted five days after installation of the last well Well development <br />' records were maintained and copies are contained in Appendix C of this report <br /> 4.3 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING <br />' In order to evaluate groundwater flow and chemistry, the newly installed groundwater <br />' monitoring wells were measured for static water level, sampled and analyzed <br /> Groundwater monitoring wells were purged and sampled using low-flow sampling <br /> techniques Prior to purging and sampling, the depth to groundwater in each of the <br />' monitoring wells was measured using an electronic water level indicator and recorded in <br /> a well purging record form <br />' Monitoring wells were purged using a variable drive electronic submersible pump The <br /> well screen information was used to establish the pump intake setting in the monitoring <br /> 1 well Typically, the intake of the pump is set at the approximate midpoint of the screened <br /> • interval during low flow sampling However, because groundwater occurs under serm- <br />' confined conditions, the pump intake was placed across from the lithologic unit where <br />' 6 V\Goodwin ProctorTinal Report doc <br />