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' first groundwater was encountered during drilling Careful measurements were taken in <br /> i <br />' the field to ensure proper pump positioning The submersible pump was lowered very <br /> gently through the water column to minimize disturbance of the water column Once the <br /> pump was set at the target depth, it was secured along with the discharge tubing to ensure <br />' that it did not move during purging <br />' The discharge tubing was connected to a Honba U-22-10 flow-through cell The flow- <br /> through cell was equipped with probes to monitor temperature, specific conductivity, pH, <br /> oxidation/ reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO), and turbidity Once <br />' purging was commenced, depth to groundwater was monitored to ensure the pump <br /> discharge rate produced a minimal drawdown of the water column Additionally, the <br />' parameters listed above were monitored and recorded on well purging forms along with <br /> the initial water level readings Copies of these forms are included in Appendix D of this <br />' report <br /> When parameters had sufficiently stabilized, a groundwater sample was collected <br />' Groundwater samples were collected directly from the discharge tubing from the pump <br /> into laboratory supplied glassware Samples for metals analyses were filtered in the field <br />' using a 0 45-micron inline filter Samples were labeled with the project name, date, time <br /> of sample collection, sample identification number, and then stored in an iced cooler <br />' prior to transport to the analytical laboratory Sample chain of custody protocol was <br /> followed from the time of sample collection until receipt by the laboratory STL of <br /> Pleasanton, California analyzed the groundwater samples STL is a California DHS <br /> certified laboratory <br /> 1 Due to a miscommunication with the laboratory, additional glassware for the collection <br /> of a duplicate sample and a trip blank were not provided As such these samples were not <br /> collected or submitted to the laboratory for analysis during this first quarter sampling <br />' event but will be submitted during all subsequent quarterly sampling events <br />' 4.3.1 Equipment Decontamination <br /> Prior to commencing purging and sampling episodes, all non-dedicated equipment used <br />' to purge the wells was thoroughly cleaned using a dilute solution of phosphate free <br /> detergent This included any non-dedicated equipment such as the submersible pump and <br />' flow through cell chamber <br />' 7 V\Goodwin ProctorWinalReport doc <br />