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Stantec <br /> L & M OPERABLE UNIT-THIRD QUARTER 2011 SITE STATUS, REMEDIAL SUMMARY, <br /> AND GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT <br /> Introduction <br /> October 28, 2011 <br /> Environmental investigations began at the site in 1989 and quarterly monitoring and sampling <br /> activities were initiated in 2002. Stantec (formerly SECOR International Inc.) was retained in <br /> late 2002 for environmental consulting services at the site. A summary of previous <br /> investigations is included in Appendix B. <br /> 1.2 REGIONAL GEOLOGY/HYDROGEOLOGY <br /> The shallow groundwater bearing zone (A-Zone) primarily extends from the ground surface to <br /> depths ranging from approximately 25 ft bgs to 40 ft bgs. Subsurface material in the shallow <br /> zone predominantly consists of silts, silty sands, and silty gravels from four to 10 ft bgs, and <br /> then organic clays, clays, high permeability silts, and lenses of silty sands and poorly graded <br /> sands to depths ranging from 25 to 40 ft bgs. The shallow zone is generally underlain by low <br /> permeability silts and clays (with an occasional, thin, silty sand or poorly graded sand lens) of <br /> highly variable thickness. A deeper groundwater bearing zone (B-Zone) is encountered at a <br /> depth of approximately 42 ft bgs and extends to approximately 50 ft bgs. Subsurface material in <br /> the B-zone consists of poorly graded sands and silty sands. Below 50 ft bgs, clay and silt with <br /> some imbedded sand is encountered and extends to a depth of approximately 64 ft bgs, <br /> underlain by sands and silty sands of varying moisture extending to a depth of approximately <br /> 73 ft bgs. Clay is encountered below the sands to an approximate depth of 84 ft bgs, underlain <br /> by a sand/silty sand layer extending to approximately 92 ft bgs. This stratum is a water-bearing <br /> zone identified as the C-Zone. Below this sand layer, imbedded clays and silts are encountered <br /> to a depth of approximately 115 ft bgs, underlain by a sand/silty sand layer with some imbedded <br /> clay to a depth of approximately 130 ft bgs. This stratum is designated as the D-Zone. Clay <br /> and silt is encountered below this sand layer to a total depth explored of 140 ft bgs. <br /> Groundwater beneath the Site is influenced by the Stockton Channel to the north and the <br /> Mormon Slough to the south. The regional groundwater flow direction for the shallow and <br /> deeper groundwater bearing zones is generally to the east-northeast. <br /> I:\Tidewater\TW Stockton(P2A)\QMRs\2011\3Q11\3011 QSSR QRSR QMR Stockton_FINAL.doc 1.3 <br />