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Page 1 of 1 <br /> Margaret Lagorio [EH] <br /> From: Margaret Lagorio [EH] <br /> Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 2:03 PM <br /> To: 'ryan olson' <br /> Cc: Lori Duncan [EH] <br /> Subject: RE: Monitoring well info <br /> Ryan. <br /> When Lori Duncan was at this site in May 2000 the excavation from removal of contaminated soil had not been <br /> filled in and had water in it, creating a health and safety hazard (drowning, mosquito breeding). Apparently, there <br /> were children at the site and a residence. We sent a notice to correct the hazard to Nancee Volpi on May 31, <br /> 2000. In the caption for the last picture you state the hole in the orange fence was filled in after the spring of 08'. <br /> Does that mean the hole has been filled with soil? If so, why is the orange fence still up? If the excavation has <br /> not been filled, please do so as soon as possible. According to the water sample results from MW3 there is still <br /> MTBE contamination in that well so it will have to be overdrilled. Since all the wells are only 15 feet deep it may <br /> be cheaper to over drill them all then to pressure grout and excavate a 20" diameter hole 3 feet deep around the <br /> top of the casing. If you hire a C-57 licensed driller directly instead of through a consultant, you can discuss this <br /> with them. As for MW7 when EHD staff is present to witness the destruction of the other 6 wells, if they agree <br /> with your statements we can provide a waiver for the destruction of that well. <br /> Margaret <br /> From: ryan olson [] <br /> Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 8:30 AM <br /> To: Margaret Lagorio [EH] <br /> Subject: Monitoring well info <br /> Margaret, <br /> I have included 2 attachments to this email. One is a letter documenting our quest to find MW7 <br /> showing photos and detailing our efforts. The other is the closure letter from the state. In this <br /> letter are the past results for all the monitoring wells. I have not included the last spring 08'test <br /> results from AGE because they are shown in the closure letter from the state. If you need any <br /> other information please let me know and thank you for your help in this matter. It has been a <br /> long ongoing process which hopefully will come to an end soon. <br /> Thanks, Ryan Olson <br /> Herb Speckman Farms <br /> Ph: 209-463-2364 <br /> Cell: 209-518-1813 <br /> 4/2/2009 <br />