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Conclusions and Recommendations <br /> The analytical results of the soil samples collected from boring B-1, on the 242 East Miner <br /> Avenue parcel, indicate that no impact to soil is present proximate to the former"Gas Well TK" <br /> feature identified on Historical Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps. While only one (1) soil boring <br /> was advanced at this location there was no indication from the field observations or laboratory <br /> test results that contaminated soils existed at this location. <br /> The analytical results of the soil samples collected from soil borings B-3, B-4 and B-5, inside the <br /> shop at 240 North Hunter Street, indicated that very limited soil impact was present proximate to <br /> an underground hoist onsite. The three borings were drilled on the east, west and south sides of <br /> the hoist identified near the northeastern corner of the service garage. While one (1) soil sample <br /> from these borings contained diesel at a concentration of 1.7 mg/KG (B-3-20') there was no <br /> indication from field observations or laboratory analytical results that the impact detected was <br /> wide spread or significant. Further, the one detection of diesel in soil at 1.7 mg/Kg was well <br /> below the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Boards (SFBRWQCB) <br /> Environmental Screening Level (ESL) of I IOmg/Kg. No groundwater was encountered during <br /> our investigation and based on the lack of soil impact identified from the onsite areas of concern, <br /> groundwater contamination resulting from these areas is not considered to be a concern. <br /> A total of five (5) soil samples collected from the soil borings were also analyzed for VOC's and <br /> chlorinated solvents to evaluate the potential for impact from historical dry cleaning operations <br /> that were once proximate to the subject property. No VOC's or chlorinated solvents were <br /> identified in any of the soil samples analyzed. Based on these sample results, we do not consider <br /> historical dry cleaning operations in the area to be a concern to this investigation. <br /> Based on the data presented herein and the observations made during field activities, it is our <br /> opinion that the areas of concern identified in the October 16, 2014 Phase I ESA are no longer <br /> considered a concern to this investigation. Therefore we recommend that this investigation be <br /> closed and that no further action be required. <br /> 6 <br />