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11/13/00 MON 13:46 FAX 1 916 861 0430 SECOR-SACRAMENTO BOOB <br /> ATTACHMENT A <br /> FIELD AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES <br /> Health and Safety <br /> As required by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) Standard <br /> "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response" guidelines(29 CFR 1910.120) and <br /> by California Occupational Health and Safety Administration (Cal-OSHA) "Hazardous Waste <br /> Operations and Emergency Response" guidelines (CCR Title S, Section 5192), SECOR will <br /> prepare a Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan prior to the commencement of fieldwork. The <br /> Site-Specific Health and Sarety Plan will be reviewed our field staff before beginning field <br /> operations at the site. <br /> Exploratory Drilling <br /> A total of four(4) soil borin,s will be drilled on the site. If groundwater is encountered in the <br /> soil borings, a groundwater "grab" sample will be collected. Groundwater is expected to <br /> occur in the site vicinity at a depth of 15 to 25 feet hgs. Borings will be drilled using hollow- <br /> stem auger drilling equipment and will be logged by Korbmacher Engineering. Soil samples <br /> for logging will be collected at 5-foot depth intervals using a split-spoon sampler. The <br /> sampler will be driven a maximum of IS inches using a 140-pound hammer with a 30-inch <br /> drop. All soil samples for chemical analysis will be retained in brass liners, capped with Tetlon <br /> squares and plastic end caps, and sealed in clean zip-lock bags. The samples will be placed on <br /> ice for transport to the laboratory accompanied by chain-of-custody documentation. Down- <br /> hole sampling equipment will be washed in a tri-sodium phosphate or alconox Solution <br /> between samples. <br /> Organic Vapor Procedures <br /> Soil samples collected at 5-foot depth intervals during drilling will be analyzed in the field for <br /> ionizable organic compounds using a flame-ionization detector (FID) or a photo-ionization <br /> detector(PID) with a 10.2 eV lamp. The test procedure will involve measuring approximately <br /> 30 grams from an undisturbed soil sample, placing this subsample in a Ziploc type bag or in a <br /> cleats glass jar and sealing the jar with aluminum foil secured under a ring-type threaded lid. <br />