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11/13/00 MON 13:46 FAX 1 916 6 0430 SECOR-SACRAMENTO 9 0 007 <br /> The container will be warmed for approximately 20 minutes (in the sun), then the head-space <br /> within the container will be tested for total organic vapor, measured in parts per million as <br /> benzene (ppm; volume/volume). The instrument will be calibrated prior to drilling using a <br /> 100-ppm isobutylene standard (in air) and a sensitivity factor of 55, which relates the <br /> photo-ionization potential of benzene to that of isobutylene at 100 ppm, The results of the <br /> field testing will be noted on the boring logs, PID and FID readings are useful for indicating <br /> relative levels of contamination_ but cannot be used to evaluate hydrocarbon levels with the <br /> confidence of laboratory analyses. <br /> Laboratory Procedures <br /> Selected soil and groundwater "grab" samples will be analyzed for the presence of total <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons calculated as gasoline (TPHg), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, <br /> xylenes (BTEX compounds), and fuel oxygenates (TBA, MtBE, DIPE, EtBE. TAME, <br /> Ethanol, methanol, 1-2 DCA and Ethylene dibromide) using modified EPA Method 8260. <br />