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Lodi-Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Pae 6 <br /> ' The static water levels in each of the three monitoring wells rose significantly since November <br /> 1991, likely due to seasonal water table fluctuation. The exact amount of precipitation or <br /> groundwater infiltration is unknown, however, the elevated levels of lead may be the result of <br /> seasonal fluctuations in the static water table and the associated flushing action. <br /> The groundwater gradient was determined through an orthographic construction known as a <br /> ' 3-paint Problem (Davis, G.H., 1984, Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions: John Wiley & <br /> Sons, pp 210). If should be noted that the groundwater elevations in the monitoring wells varied <br /> by only a few hundredths of a foot with this in mind, the groundwater gradient trends N27.5°E, <br /> with a nearly horizontal gradient. <br /> Based on the above information, the lateral and vertical extent of potential petroleum <br /> contaminant migration has been adequately addressed. However, because slightly elevated <br /> concentrations of lead were detected, the San Joaquin County PHS/EHD may require additional <br /> groundwater sampling from the existing monitoring wells. <br /> r <br /> ' Steffen Robertson and Kirsten <br />