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10 foot sample. Toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes were also detected in the 10 foot sample at <br /> concentrations of 9.6, 62 and 865 ppm, respectively. TPHg was detected at a concentration of 51 <br /> ppm in the 15 foot sample. Toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes were also detected in the 15 foot <br /> sample at concentrations of 2.4, 4.1, and 25 ppm, respectively. Benzene was not detected in either <br /> sample above the laboratory reporting limit. Lead was detected in the 10 and 15 foot samples at <br /> concentrations of 15 and 20 ppm, respectively. Following completion of sampling, the excavation <br /> was subsequently backfilled to the surface. <br /> In May 1991, SEACOR advanced four soil borings in the vicinity of the former USTs to further <br /> evaluate the lateral and vertical extent of fuel hydrocarbons in subsurface soil. Chemical testing <br /> results for soil samples collected from these borings indicated that gasoline released from the USTs <br /> had apparently migrated vertically to a depth of approximately 35 to 40 feet below ground surface. <br /> The highest concentration of TPHg detected was 5,100 ppm at a depth of 19 feet below ground <br /> surface. Soil sample results also indicated that significant lateral migration of gasoline had not <br /> ' occurred. <br /> One of the soil borings (MW-1A) located within the extent of the former UST excavation was <br /> subsequently converted to a groundwater monitoring well. Initial groundwater sample results <br /> revealed the presence of TPHg at a concentration of 1 ppm and BTEX concentrations up to 130 <br /> parts per billion (ppb). SEACOR has collected and chemically analyzed groundwater samples from <br /> well MW-1A on a quarterly basis since May 1991. TPHg and BTEX concentrations reported in <br /> groundwater samples collected from well MW-1A consistently decreased during each subsequent <br /> quarter, and TPHg has not been detected above the laboratory reporting limit during the last three <br /> consecutive sampling events. <br /> In November 1991, SE4COR installed a vapor extraction well (EW-1) approximately 5 feet from <br /> existing monitoring well MW-1A(see Figure 2). In early April 1992, SEACOR installed a soil vapor <br /> ' extraction system at the Site. The as-built system consists of vapor extraction well EW-1, a trailer- <br /> mounted regenerative blower with a 200 cubic feet per minute (CFM) capacity, and two in-line <br /> granular activated carbon vapor phase treatment vessels (2,000 pound and 200 pound capacity). The <br /> vapor extraction and treatment equipment are all housed within a paved and fenced compound. <br /> SEACOR began operating the soil vapor extraction system on April 15, 1992. As of December 31, <br /> 1992, an estimated 1070 pounds of gasoline had been removed from the subsurface soils through <br /> jvapor extraction. Influent vapor stream concentrations have decreased to below 50 ppm total <br /> hydrocarbons (methane equivalent). Based on the decreased influent concentrations, SEACOR <br /> recommended drilling a confirmatory soil boring to evaluate hydrocarbon concentrations remaining <br /> in subsurface soils. SEACOR shut the vapor extraction system down on January 15, 1993 pending <br /> the results of the confirmatory soil sampling described in this report. <br /> MARDEE.RPT <br /> 50014-003-01 MD04 2 <br /> v <br />