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KLEIN FEL DER <br /> 2 SITE SETTING <br /> 2.1 SITE LOCATION <br /> The site is approximately located in the southeast quarter of Section 25, Township 1 South, <br /> Range 6 East of the Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian According to the 1987 photorevised <br /> US Geological Survey "Lathrop, California," 7 5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Map, the <br /> property has an elevation between 20 to 25 feet above mean sea level The site is part of Manteca <br /> Unified School District property located lust west of Manteca The site is located approximately <br /> 1500 feet north of Louise Avenue between Airport Way and the Union Pacific Railroad (Plate 1) <br /> 2.2 CURRENT SITE USE AND VICINITY CHARACTERISTICS <br /> The project site is located north of the MUSD office and maintenance yard in the vicimty of a <br /> farmhouse and associated structures The surrounding areas include commercial development <br /> and rural residential housing and farmhouses To the west of the project site is the former <br /> ' Permanente Metals facility which manufactured flares for the U S military during World War II <br /> That site has also had other industrial/commercial uses <br /> 2 3. REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY <br /> The site lies within the Great Valley Geomorphic Province of California The valley is <br /> approximately 400 miles long and averages about 50 miles wide, and comprises about 20,000 <br /> square miles The valley is divided into the Sacramento Valley (northern half) and the San <br /> Joaquin Valley (southern half) The valley has been filled with a thick sequence of marine and <br /> non-marine sediments from the late Jurassic to Holocene The uppermost strata of the Great <br /> Valley represents, for the most part, the alluvial, flood, and delta plains of two major rivers <br /> (Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers) and their tributaries <br /> The valley deposits are derived from the Coast Ranges to the west and the Sierra Nevada to the <br /> ' cast Granitic and metamorphic rocks outcrop along the eastern and southeastern flanks of the <br /> valley Marine sedimentary rocks outcrop along most of the western, southwestern, southern, <br /> and southeastern flanks, and volcanic rocks and deposits outcrop along the northeastern flanks of <br /> ' the valley The valley geomorphology includes dissected uplands, low alluvial plains and fans, <br /> river flood plains and channels, and overflow lands and lake bottoms <br /> The project site is located in the southern San Joaquin County, which is within the northern <br /> portion of the San Joaquin Valley The area is characterized by unconsolidated alluvial deposits <br /> (channel and riverbank deposits) of the Stanislaus and San Joaquin Rivers and their many <br /> tributaries <br /> 20-1311-40 E0112019R039 Page 2 of 13 <br /> pc 1999,Kicinfelder,Inc January 20, 1999 <br />