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MACHADO PROPERTY Page 8 <br /> WKA No. 6078.02 <br /> November 1, 2004 <br /> subject property,therefore, is predicted to have ranged from approximately 10 to 30 feet below <br /> the ground surface. The 1978 7.5 minute Clifton Court Forebay Topographic Quadrangle Map <br /> prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey, indicates that regional topography in the region of the <br /> subject property slopes northeasterly,therefore we estimate groundwater flow direction as <br /> northeasterly. <br /> Regional Geology <br /> The subject property is located in the central portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province of <br /> California. The Great Valley lies between the mountains and foothills of the Sierra Nevada <br /> Range to the east and the California Coast Ranges to the west. The geologic formations of the <br /> Great Valley are typified by thick sequences of alluvial (river) sediments deposited during the <br /> filling of a large ancient basin. <br /> The 1985 USGS Geologic Map of the Late Cenozoic Deposits of the Sacramento Valley and <br /> • Northern Sierra Foothills, California, shows the subject property to be underlain by the Lower <br /> member of the Modesto Formation. The Lower member geologic unit is characterized by <br /> unconsolidated, slightly weathered gravel, sand, silt and clay. <br /> Soils <br /> Review of the 1998 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service(SCS) Soil <br /> Survey of San Joaquin County, California, indicates that the near-surface soils of the project area <br /> consist of two soil types. The soil types are "Capay clay, 0 to 2 percent slopes"and "Stomar clay <br /> loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes." <br /> The Capay clay formed in alluvium derived from mixed rock sources. The surface layer is <br /> typically grayish brown and dark grayish brown clay approximately 20-inches thick. The subsoil, <br /> approximately 60-inches thick, consists of grayish brown, dark grayish brown, dark brown and <br /> pale brown clay. <br /> The Stomar clay loam formed in alluvium derived from sedimentary rock sources. This soil is <br /> typically grayish brown clay approximately 19-inches thick. The subsoil, approximately 30- <br /> inches thick, is a mixture of brown clay loam and clay that is underlain by yellowish brown clay <br /> loam at a depth of 60-inches. <br /> NK <br /> WALLACE•KUHL <br />