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1 . A building permit for each separate structure or building is required . Submit plans , Specifications , <br /> and supporting calculations , prepared by a Registered Design Professional ( architect or engineer) <br /> for each structure or building , showing compliance with The 2016 California Building , Existing <br /> Building , Mechanical , Plumbing , Electrical , Energy, and Fire Codes as may be applicable . Plans <br /> for the different buildings or structures may be combined into a single set of construction <br /> documents . <br /> 2 . The required plans must be complete at the time of submittal for a building permit . Plans must <br /> address building design and construction , fire , and life safety requirements , accessibility and show <br /> compliance with the current California codes and San Joaquin County ordinances . A complete set <br /> of plans must include fire sprinkler plans , truss design submittals , metal building shop drawings , <br /> structural plans and calculations , plumbing , electrical , and mechanical drawings and energy <br /> report . <br /> 3 . As noted in the Project Description , the conversion of the existing retail portion of the building to a <br /> bar will constitute a change of occupancy, and will create a mixed use building . <br /> A mixed use occupancy area calculation shall be provided for the building . <br /> A change of occupancy will require a code analysis report and necessary plans prepared by an <br /> architect or engineer in accordance with the California Existing Building Code . The report and <br /> plans shall identify existing conditions , propose alterations necessary to bring the building in <br /> compliance with the current code and include the following : <br /> a . Description of proposed use . <br /> b . Existing and proposed Occupancy Groups . <br /> c . Type of construction <br /> d . Sprinklers (Yes or No ) <br /> e . Number of Stories <br /> f. Building height <br /> g . Allowable floor area <br /> h . Proposed floor area <br /> i . Occupant load based on the CBC for the new use <br /> J . Occupant load based on the CPC for the new use <br /> k . A structural safety analysis of the building , indicating that the building complies with structural <br /> provisions of the Code . The California Historic Building Code may be applicable to this <br /> building . <br /> 4 . Modifications to existing buildings are required to include upgrades related to disability access <br /> pursuant to the California Existing Building Code . Plans showing these upgrades must be <br /> prepared by a registered engineer or licensed architect and shall be submitted for review and <br /> approval prior to issuance of a building permit . <br /> 5 . For each proposed new building , provide the following information on the plans : <br /> a . Description of proposed use <br /> b . Existing and proposed occupancy Groups <br /> c . Type of construction <br /> d . Sprinklers (Yes or No ) <br /> e . Number of Stories <br /> f . Building height <br /> g . Allowable floor area <br /> i . Occupant load based on the CBC <br /> j . Occupant load based on the CPC <br /> 6 . Accessible routes shall be provided per CBC § 11 B -206 . At least one accessible route shall be <br /> PA- 1800056 — Conditions of Approval 3 <br />