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• • LFR Inc. <br /> Health and Safety <br /> LFR will prepare a site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HSP) prior to commencing <br /> field activities. The activities conducted under LFR's direction at the site will be in <br /> compliance with applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations, <br /> particularly those in Title 8 California Code of Regulations 5192, and other applicable <br /> federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and statutes. A copy of the HSP will be kept <br /> on-site during scheduled field activities. <br /> 3.2 Installation of Groundwater Monitoring Wells <br /> A California C-57-licensed contractor will install the groundwater monitoring wells <br /> under the supervision of LFR staff working under the direction of an LFR Professional <br /> Geologist. <br /> The boreholes for each proposed monitoring well will be advanced using sonic drilling <br /> methods. Due to the nature of the sonic drilling methods, soil samples will be collected <br /> continuously for lithologic description. <br /> After the boring has been advanced to the desired depth, the groundwater monitoring <br /> well will be constructed using 2-inch-diameter, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) casing. The <br /> well screen will be 0.010-inch-slotted PVC casing. The length of the well screen will <br /> be based on the thickness of the water-yielding sediment encountered. Based on the <br /> screen intervals from surrounding B- and C-zone interval groundwater monitoring <br /> wells, it is anticipated that the screened interval will be approximately 5 to 10 feet in <br /> length. Blank PVC casing will be installed from the top of the screened interval to the <br /> ground surface. <br /> After the well casing has been placed inside the drill casing, the well annulus materials <br /> (sand, bentonite, and grout) will be added. The well annulus opposite the screened <br /> interval will be filled with clean Number 2/12 Monterey sand to a height of <br /> approximately 2 feet above the top of the well screen. A minimum of 3 feet of <br /> bentonite chips will be placed and hydrated above the sand pack to isolate the screened <br /> interval from material above and to prevent the entrance of grout into the sand pack. <br /> After the bentonite seal has hydrated, a cement-bentonite grout mix will then be placed <br /> in the annular space above the bentonite seal to the ground surface to seal the <br /> remainder of the borehole from the possible infiltration of surface water. The style of <br /> protective wellhead covers (e.g., stovepipe, flush-mounted, etc.) will be determined <br /> per the request of the current property owner and installed in concrete at each <br /> monitoring well. <br /> The SJCEHD will be notified before the wells are sealed so that a field inspector can <br /> witness this activity. After the well is completed, the top-of-casing elevation will be <br /> surveyed to the nearest 0.01 foot and tied into the elevations of the existing wells at the <br /> site by a licensed surveyor. <br /> wpStockton-2009 B_C Zone Well Imoill_FINAL.doc Page 3 <br />