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2.4.3 POTENTIAL VAPOR RECEPTORS <br /> As discussed above, the subject site is an operating terminal located in an industrial area <br /> on Rough and Ready Island in Stockton. Site workers are significantly more likely to be <br /> exposed to vapors in the course of terminal operation than by soil vapors emanating <br /> from the subsurface. Therefore, vapor intrusion is considered an incomplete pathway. <br /> Available soil vapor sampling data are presented in Table 6. <br /> 2.4.4 SURFACE WATER BODIES <br /> The eastern portion of the island is bordered by the San Joaquin River on the north and <br /> Burns Cutoff on the south (Figure 1). This section of the San Joaquin River channel is <br /> used for access to the Port of Stockton, located one mile to the east of the site. As <br /> discussed below, constituents of concern (CDCs) are delineated in the down-gradient <br /> direction,and this pathway is incomplete. <br /> 3.0 REMEDIATION HISTORY <br /> 3.1 1987 SEPARATE PHASE HYDROCARBON (SPH) RECOVERY <br /> During 1987, an SPH recovery program was initiated, and product was recovered from <br /> wells MW-1, MW-15, and MW-17. Extracted fluids were transported to Shell's Martinez <br /> refinery for recycling. <br /> 3.2 1993 TO 2005 GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION (GWE) OPERATIONS <br /> GWE began at the site in early 1993. The pumping wells were MW-1, MW-23, and <br /> MW-24. The GWE system was shut down after two months of operation due to <br /> limitations placed on the treatment of wastewater at the Shell refinery. <br /> A surface water discharge permit was obtained, and the GWE system was restarted <br /> during November 1994. Two additional extraction wells, MW-11 and MW-16, were <br /> added to the systen-L Treated groundwater was discharged to the Stockton Deep Water <br /> Channel under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. <br /> During April 1995, well MW-17 was added to the GWE system. During the third <br /> 241729(33) 5 CONESTOGA-ROVERS S ASSOCIATES <br />